in the search....

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in the search....

Post by YABYUM » June 27th, 2012, 1:07 am

today i had a glimpse. An epiphany. Home is ocean. Always has been. home is not where I hang my hat, it is not where my family is, and it is not where my heart is. My hat is on my head, my family is with me every where I am. My heart is where everyone else keeps theirs. Home is ocean. Home is wet and salt and testing the idea of should I be any where else. ocean tests, teaches, baptizes, taunts, disciplines, rewards, understands. (i'm workin on the rest)

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Re: in the search....

Post by Jacob » July 3rd, 2012, 12:54 am

The Literal in me wonders how one can feel at home/save in all that salty wetness, given how you will either drown or dehydrate. But then again, it's not how I see home, and we are each allowed to find our dwelling. Mine own would likely have cows so I can have burgers now and then. To each their own. :)

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