okey dokey
It is something I try to remember too
I never did read Miller's novel, but she liked it a lot.
It really gots nothing to do with the Obama Care, it is all about getting elected. I don't know why we have elections anymore. Lets just hold an auction on studio eight for the next president of the "United Snakes"™
"Liberty will not descend to a People. A People must raise themselves to Liberty."
My favorite quote from Red Emma
"History, read it and weep" Kurt Vonnegut
Patagonia that is in Argentina. I never been there but I used to have a fantasy about sailing through the Straits of Magellan.
I look at what happened Argentina under the right wing government and then what happened there under the leftist neo liberals. I would like to think that it could never happen here.
Like I said I been wrong about everything since Goldwater beat Johnson in 1964 and we wound up in another ground war in Asia. I should have voted for the Texan.
'The Enterprise Institute', 'The Heritage Foundation', 'the Madison Institute', 'American's for Prosperity' the same people that led the charge into Iraq and Afghanistan, who can listen to them anymore? Yet they are the money behind the Tea Party. You see them all over the main stream media.
After leading the charge into the Bush wars, who can believe anything they say anymore?
Only the true believers in Ted Cruz's base.
They got a lot of sway in Texas thanks to Tom Delay.
Also Jim DeMint's base, he quit the senate because he has more power as head of The Heritage Institute.
Sorry if I sound hysterical, I don't loose any sleep over it. Just an interested observer I suppose. Not just the danger on the right but also the left. I never heard of neo liberalism till arcadia wrote something about it. I realized they can be just as pernicious as neo cons. Neither left nor right but the middle road, not many middle of the road politicians left, what was that dirty word we call them now "moderates" no time left for moderation I suppose.
I guess you owe men another penny. Not that you asked me