Privatize ??? Really?

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Privatize ??? Really?

Post by mtmynd » August 22nd, 2018, 10:11 am

Privatization?? Really??

Trump coming out in full force by considering "privatize" the Armed Forces! Stop a moment and think - Privatizing is exactly what all Right Wingers dream of...the more privatization there is, the weaker our very government weakens, moreso when it deals with the Armed Forces. A truism: The Right support privatization all things now held by the Government. Remember how many times we heard from the (R)'s how poorly run the government is and the government is unable to run anything at all.

Remember what Grover Norquist said : "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." - Wikipedia: Grover Norquist

(**Interview on NPR's Morning Edition, May 25, 2001. This is still what the radical Right believe)

This latest by the "leader of the Right Wing" continues chipping away at what the vast majority of Americans have dearly embraced since the Constitution was written and passed. Our entire history has gotten us what we all have gained and accomplished - by having a strong Government behind us. Now that Trump is sitting in the very office that so many Presidents before him have sat, he longs to weaken the very source of his Presidency.

These billionaires that fully support this president stand behind DJT in his disassembling so many positive programs, many by Obama who is proud to be a supporter of Ecology and our National P{ark System... something DJT desperately would love to "Privatize"!

Do we seriously want a Government so weak that we literally give all our Armed Forces into the hands of Trump and his billionaire cronies that he entertains how many times at his "Florida White House" while scheming and planning further ways to take over the government - delusional enough to actual BELIEVE they can run the complete privatization of our Nation! The most powerful in the Nation are insidious and worthy of being closely watched in anything and everything they do.

Do Not Believe what I am saying BUT rather do your own research and come to your own conclusion.

Cecil B. Lee
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Re: Privatize ??? Really?

Post by sasha » August 22nd, 2018, 10:48 am

A common lament I often heard when I was still in the workforce was how "unfair" certain corporate policies were, the response to which was "well, you can't run a corporation like a government". Which I suppose is true. But the responders don't seem to recognize that, if that statement is true, then so must its converse - that you can't run a government like a corporation. And that is exactly what this fake president's rabid fan base voted him in to do.

What's next for Amerika? Brown shirts?

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Re: Privatize ??? Really?

Post by mnaz » August 22nd, 2018, 2:04 pm

This push started to some degree as far back as Reagan, maybe even earlier, but it really picked up steam under Dubya. Remember all that talk of privatizing social security and doing away with the postal service? Those ideas got swatted down, but the privatization push is not going away (and we've already seen some of its effects).

As for the military, we've already seen private "defense" contractors operating far afield (e.g. Blackwater in Iraq), but it's hard to imagine a fully privatized military. My guess is that more privatization will be included in the overall makeup. The obvious danger here would be making WAR FOR PROFIT (duh) ... but then, that's always been a problem with our publicly-funded contractors on the dole (with obscene gouging, or even no accountability whatsoever-- Halliburton, anyone?).

So yes, for the Repubs it's mostly all about:
Exploitation/utilization (Drill baby, drill!)

There is little or no value placed on public oversight, or sustainability or preservation/conservation (this, from "conservatives!"). We're talking no-compromise, all-out, hardcore hardball Corporatism with these folks. For better or for worse.

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Re: Privatize ??? Really?

Post by mtmynd » August 22nd, 2018, 4:37 pm

sasha wrote:
August 22nd, 2018, 10:48 am
And that is exactly what this fake president's rabid fan base voted him in to do.

What's next for Amerika? Brown shirts?

Be afraid, be very afraid.... I am......

The wealthiest are Corporate Giants who buy lobbyists like we would buy a taco, to do their bidding. This creates what is going on today, a Plutocracy, which chose DJT to Presidency as he has a certain talent to grab an audience. Fortunately for us, "we the People" still hold the key to creating a Nation "of the the People, by the People, and for the People", which in these dangerous times of Trumpism, is in great jeopardy of being nothing but a forgotten saying.

These times are, IMO, tests for the American People to stand up to our Constitution and all it stands for. If we do not agree upon that single document and defend it we are no better than a weak, gullible and fearful public that will bend to a UNAmerican power that chooses Plutocracy over Democracy.
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Re: Privatize ??? Really?

Post by mtmynd » August 22nd, 2018, 4:42 pm

mnaz wrote:
August 22nd, 2018, 2:04 pm
So yes, for the Repubs it's mostly all about:
Well written, amigo. I'm especially fond of this selected part because it consolidates your essay.
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