Letting Go...

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Letting Go...

Post by sooZen » June 23rd, 2011, 8:20 am

Letting Go is an expression that one hears frequently, especially in the world of zen (which is actually a misnomer as all the world is zen. hah. Funny Soo.) But what does it mean? This "letting go"? When one starts to consider it, if one does and I do, it can be a frightening thing to do, hanging on to ones conditioning and habits and old safety nets is a comforting thing in a world that is so unpredictable. Letting go of those things means you fly without a net, nothing to catch you if you fall or fail and that in itself is daunting, is it not? So being a spontaneous being, unafraid of reactions or ready for consequences of one's actions really entails living a life of light and love for consequences and reactions may be really dire if you do not when you let go. (Again, I am referring to what is called "karma" but is for me, the laws of physics, what you put out comes back to you.)

So to be a natural self, a authentic self, you must let go of your ego, what you mask yourself with, what you hide behind when you are insecure and unsure. To find the natural self, the source of your being, you must plug yourself into the universe and that entails a great deal of trust (and if you can't trust yourself, who can you trust?) Confidence, true trust, has nothing to do with ego or one's insecurities which are conditioning and habit or fears. Oh, I assure you, old Soo has plenty of times she falls off the wagon of trusting in the Universe that all is as it should be. My letting go is one of grasping, letting go and re-grasping again, multiplicities of times! I am not there yet, not all ways, but it is a path that I take and what makes me think that there is light at the end of these tunnels (of vision) that my inner eyes see.

Osho, a teacher of mine, says that Letting Go is a process of being watchful, of being aware that we fall back into old patterns and just by being watchful (and aware) of these habits, we can free ourselves and be our natural selves, without the burdens of insecurity and fear:
"This time don’t make the same mistake again. Remain watchful and go on in the same process of letting go. Your old patterns are also false; they will also disappear. If the let-go is complete it will leave you in your natural self, in your authentic being. And to me that is the beginning of self-realization, the beginning of your enlightenment.

But it can begin only when you have found the natural source of your being. Your pretended selves, your hypocrite patterns, your masks — they cannot become enlightened. Only your original face can become enlightened. So to be original and natural is the most important thing for a traveler on the path."

Source – Osho Book “Light on the Path
To let go, to live without the fears of being who I am is a constant challenge for me. I am constantly reminded of who I am (in others opinions and perspectives) and what it is that I do to them (which I have no control over for I don't do to them, they do to them and then blame someone for doing whatever it is they then adopt as an attitude.) Letting go of my fears about me and who and what I am and do is an ongoing process. Compassion must be key for me for if I am (and I am) an emotional being, I am affected by the vibes around me and what it is that I say that triggers a reaction from those in my sphere. If I was to be unkind or unloving or just angry and mean, this would harm me more than anyone else. This I know and that I think goes a long ways towards me being me and letting go of all the rest...
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Re: Letting Go...

Post by stilltrucking » June 24th, 2011, 12:10 pm

. (Again, I am referring to what is called "karma" but is for me, the laws of physics, what you put out comes back to you.

I believe that. I can see it but i can not understand how that can be true for a new born baby. Unless I look at it from the level of quantum physics. That the atoms remember past lives. There is something called "entanglement". Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance" As I understand it if the electrons in two boron atoms are spining a certain way if you move the atoms apart say one to Boston and one to Austin then if you change the spin of one atom the other atom will change spin also. That is just the way I understand it so it may not be correct.

But if it is true does that mean karma operates at some quantum level so that a baby born with bad karma is it because the atoms remember past lives? Are they still entangled? Kind of sounds like original sin.

Just a wondering

thanks for the stream Soozen, food for thought.

I been thinking a lot about karma lately especially when I take my meds. The result of karma I have created for myself through jelly donuts and bad posture.

I know this is probably nonsense but it was what i been thinking.

Been a long time for me to let go, I been a grasper and clinger all my life.
Last edited by stilltrucking on June 24th, 2011, 12:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Letting Go...

Post by stilltrucking » June 24th, 2011, 12:23 pm

I lead myself astray sooze, sorry if this is totaly irrelevant to what you are talking about.

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Re: Letting Go...

Post by sooZen » June 24th, 2011, 7:05 pm

I believe that. I can see it but i can not understand how that can be true for a new born baby. Unless I look at it from the level of quantum physics. That the atoms remember past lives. There is something called "entanglement". Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance" As I understand it if the electrons in two boron atoms are spining a certain way if you move the atoms apart say one to Boston and one to Austin then if you change the spin of one atom the other atom will change spin also. That is just the way I understand it so it may not be correct.

But if it is true does that mean karma operates at some quantum level so that a baby born with bad karma is it because the atoms remember past lives? Are they still entangled? Kind of sounds like original sin.

Just a wondering

Many religions (Eastern mostly) think that if you have unresolved issues or lessons to learn or remain "unenlightened", you must return to deal with them and that is your "karma" and yes, it does sound a bit like original sin (which I admit, I know little about as my family was Christian Methodists and most of what I remember was fun stuff like vacation bible school, choir, eating donuts after church, etc. and little to do with hell and damnation or sin.)

Heck, the human brain is so complex and we use so little of it that the common man has no clue as to what it is actually capable of. My little dissertation or stream above has nothing to do with the past, past lives or where we came from or even where we are going. When I spoke of karma, I was speaking of actions in the Now. Letting go of your past or mine and being right here, in this moment and not obsessing is pretty much a meditation and key to shedding whatever conditioning or injury or wounding that one carries around in their "backpack" (a burden) that keeps them from experiencing and copping with what we call this life.

If one is constantly regretting past actions or afraid of what may come, then they are not giving themselves the love they deserve and if you don't give yourself that, a least a chance at love, then we are doomed to repeat our mistakes until we get it (karma.) That is what zen is about...getting it. Let go of your baggage and live in this moment. One will not only see the light but feel light-er. Focusing on our shadow selves keeps us in the dark.
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Re: Letting Go...

Post by stilltrucking » June 24th, 2011, 8:13 pm

Thank you for clearing that up for me.

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Re: Letting Go...

Post by sooZen » June 25th, 2011, 8:22 pm

You are welcome. Thank you for responding.
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Re: Letting Go...

Post by stilltrucking » June 25th, 2011, 10:44 pm

I deleted a much longer response because I did not want to badger you with questions about karma. I know with my limited intelligence I will not be able to see the big picture. Still I wonder about random chance.

Maybe Einstein was wrong, maybe God does play dice with the universe. Maybe some people luck out and do not reap what they sow. While other people get what they don't deserve.

So far in my own life I believe in karma. I am just wondering.
You make your choices and you take your chances.
karma is a joker and laughs in abandon
karma gives you four quarters for a dollar. Lightning Rod

http://studioeight.tv/phpbb/viewtopic.p ... una#p51411
I can not say I trust myself Soozen. Not yet.

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Re: Letting Go...

Post by sooZen » June 26th, 2011, 7:35 am

stilltrucking wrote:I deleted a much longer response because I did not want to badger you with questions about karma. I know with my limited intelligence I will not be able to see the big picture. Still I wonder about random chance.

Maybe Einstein was wrong, maybe God does play dice with the universe. Maybe some people luck out and do not reap what they sow. While other people get what they don't deserve.

So far in my own life I believe in karma. I am just wondering.
I can not say I trust myself Soozen. Not yet.
You have a much better memory than I do Jack. Mine is tattered and torn and full of holes. I cannot remember what I said in the past (unless reminded) and being opinionated, there are a lot of things I wish I hadn't or didn't say but I have to let that go too. I don't know who is right or wrong (for instance Einstein) but I think I know a smarty pants when I "see" him. I don't believe in a "God" per say but I do believe in spirit and know there is more out there than I will ever understand.

I do trust my intuition, my JC (Jiminy Cricket as Cec calls it for one's conscience). "Trust in the Universe" is my mantra and I need to chant it a lot for life tends to stretch that trust to its utmost. And thanks, I am thinking that you have just given me the next subject for my rambling...
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Re: Letting Go...

Post by stilltrucking » June 26th, 2011, 1:19 pm

Even if you are a smarty pants
even then you got to trust in yourself
something I am not quite ready to do
Cecil is a good man
I am not

I believe in G-d's grace, or if you prefer a mystical universe.

I think it has something to do with spooky action at a distance, but I am not smart enough to say more about it. Perhaps the words will come to me but I can say no more about it for now.

Yes I been throwing Einstein's name around a lot, one of those teachers for me like Osho for you I guess. A disembodied guru. He came to me the first time I tripped on acid all by lonesome, laying there on my hippy mattress on the floor staring up into a 100 watt light bulb I heard his voice with what sounded like a Yiddish accent say to me "jacky what do you want to know?" He sounded perplexed.

Thank you for giving me a subject for my next post which will be called Matriarchs, women and elephants
They have treated me better than I deserved

I found a picture of an old friend the other day, I thought she had passed on, I just found out she died in 1994. I had a vivid dream about her a few years ago. When I woke up her scent was still in the room with me. Her name was Bombay.

I have not read your new thread yet. Going to save it for later..
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Re: Letting Go...

Post by sooZen » June 27th, 2011, 5:53 am

Wow, amazing picture! Where is your post? Going to look for it...
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