the latest "iranian plot"

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the latest "iranian plot"

Post by mnaz » October 17th, 2011, 2:44 pm

consider the recent buzz about the "iranian plot" in the news. here is one take on it (Alexander Cockburn, 10 / 14 / 11): ... %E2%80%9D/
Manssor J. Arbabsiar, an Iranian-American used car salesman from Corpus Christi, Texas, has been indicted as the chief conspirator working for Iranian intelligence. He is charged with promising to pay $1.5 million to Los Zetas – one of the Mexican drug cartels – to kill the Saudi ambassador at a restaurant in Washington.

The FBI claims that Arbabsiar told the Drug Enforcement Agency’s informant – posing as a high-ranking member of Los Zetas – that it would be “no big deal” if many others died at the restaurant, possibly including United States senators. He also proposed bombing the Israeli embassy.
gee, i wonder if they recorded any of this, or if they forgot to turn on their little devices . . .
. . .If even one US senator died in a terrorist bombing in Washington, if anything larger than a firecracker detonated outside the Israeli embassy, US bombers would be raining high explosive on Iranian targets within 24 hours. Why would Iran want to invite such a response?

Gareth Porter points out on our site this weekend that the whole “plot” has the familiar aroma of an FBI sting . . .
To repeat: Iran doesn’t want war with the US. Quite the reverse. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently tried to refloat the Tehran Research Reactor nuclear fuel swap. He proposed that Iran suspend production of some uranium-enrichment activities in exchange for fuel supplies from the United States. On September 29 the International Herald Tribune ran an op-ed piece saying the proposal was well worth consideration by the US government.
ah, but that's not how power politics works, is it? way too much like (weak) "appeasement" in an election year . . . (never "negotiate with terrorists" . . .)
All such hopes of a warming in relations have now been snuffed out, most vigorously by Obama on Thursday, endorsing the Attorney General Holder’s wild allegations and threatening ferocious new sanctions against Iran.
so . . . perhaps this "foiled plot" might help illustrate my point about how these set-ups can and do significantly influence (and "justify") policy. no, not war in this case. (but pushing us closer, again?)


here's another take on it: ... -plot.html (Laura Secor, 10 / 14 / 11)
Iran’s élite, secretive Quds Force, the division of the Revolutionary Guards responsible for operations abroad, allegedly entrusted its most sensitive operation to Mansour Arbabsiar, a Texas used-car salesman with a criminal record, a history of drug and alcohol abuse, and a reputation for fecklessness and financial problems. He had lost his home to foreclosure and his wife to divorce when he took up the assassination plot. He had no proved fealty—personal, religious, or ideological—to the Iranian regime. What he did have was a need for cash, and the disadvantage of being easily traced to the other alleged conspirators, one of whom was his cousin. Moreover, he was apparently meant to outsource the operation to a Mexican drug cartel—known to be infiltrated by American law enforcement—which would dispatch operatives the Iranians had never met or even seen, let alone vetted. All of this was casually arranged on regular international telephone lines, and paid for by direct wire transfers in amounts so large as to trigger automatic federal monitoring . . . It hardly sounds like the Iran we know, a regime that is paranoid and opaque even in its quotidian affairs, and nothing if not professional in its covert operations abroad.
Part is the creeping suspicion that too many people have too much invested in stoking hysteria. The Iranian regime wants its people to believe the Americans will attack, because it believes this will help it hang on to power. The U.S. government wants the Iranians to believe it just might attack, because otherwise the United States has very little leverage in nuclear negotiations. The Israelis want the Iranians to fear an American attack, because they believe this will deter Iranian moves against Israeli interests. The Saudis, too, would like to use a bellicose American ally as leverage against Iran, their regional rival. Then, there’s American domestic politics. The Republicans bluster against Iran to prove that they are tough and that the Democrats are appeasers; the Democrats bluster against Iran to prove that they are no such thing. The neoconservative right encourages the conclusion that the only solution is military; the anti-imperialist left forever argues that the neoconservatives are secretly steering America toward war. It could be my sheer perversity that prevents me from believing what everyone wants me to believe. Or it could be that none of these parties have satisfactorily proved that anyone actually in power believes an attack on Iran would advance American interests more than it would set them back.

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Re: the latest "iranian plot"

Post by Steve Plonk » October 19th, 2011, 10:33 pm

Mnaz, How do you pick up on these "foils" so easily? Do you have a "bot" which tracks certain news items by "key words"? Thanks for your hard "footwork" to
bring this stuff to my & others attention...Reminds me of the TV show "Person of

Not being an "hysteric", I don't pick up every State Dept. news item, nor do I
watch the daily news as often as perhaps I should. I did hear about some of
this stuff, but it went in one ear and out the other. Until I know more about
the principals in certain newsy "factoids" , I steer clear...So I have a "wait & see" attitude... The principal players are still a mystery to me...

For example, that is why I've kept my nose out of the Libyan situation...
By the way, I don't think we can afford war with Iran...Even now that the Iraq War is winding down to a halt--we are supposed to be OUT by December of this year...Only Iraq embassy guards and 5,000 contract mercenaries will remain...
Iranians are not welcome in Iraq because they have sent in bogus food stuffs & medicine which the Iraqis complain about...

Afghanistan and drugs interdiction in various places has our hands full. Look at Indonesia and the Phillipines...Egyptians recently attacked the Israeli Embassy...
Yemen is heating up with their own brand of yahoos...Venezuela is inviting
Russian trade with open arms, etc. We have other problem areas...
We aren't doing squat without NATO &/or U. N. helping us...We need to keep Russians as our friends in space to offset the Chinese. That is why that
intrigue in Britain (UK) worries me so...Then there's good old Pakistan...

The most recent "poisonous news" which keeps me worrying is, ie., : 1) the killing of an ex-KGB operative in Britain by possible Russian spies; 2) Radioactive problems in Japan following the tsunami induced radioactive explosions at nuke plants--radiation which could & did spread elsewhere in the Pacific area toward Alaska, for instance; Moreover, 3) Japan's casualties in the recent earthquake & tsunami were horrific & continue to mount up. Their economy has really taken a hit from that disaster...

Lastly,there is Haiti which continues to suffer these couple years later from their earthquake which could happen in our own Mid-South area in the USA.
The weather has not been kind to our country lately. That is something
we need to worry about...All the floods & fires & tornados, etc. Homeland Security needs to focus on helping all these victims of these disasters hitting close to home...Maybe, with a good group effort, we may figure out
what the heck is going on! 'Nuff said, gotta hit the shower & hit the hay...

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Re: the latest "iranian plot"

Post by mnaz » October 20th, 2011, 11:58 am

... not a "bot," steve, but a few bookmarks, such as the "alter-net" site.

good points about the "poisonous news" ... those are all real concerns.

chomsky has plenty to say about our various "drug interdictions" (and foreign "aid"). read his "humanitarian imperialism" article (and others). (actually, i couldn't even get through that article--- it was that disturbing to me ...

ever wonder why so many endless foreign "crises" out there? is it because our empire is forever trying to establish control over the world? ...

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Re: the latest "iranian plot"

Post by Arcadia » November 4th, 2011, 12:53 pm

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