What's going on with kerouac and dylan

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What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by stilltrucking » February 9th, 2014, 3:20 am

The Bob Dylan Super Bowl commercial
I can't stop watching it. It makes me feel so proud to be an American where even squares can have a ball.

Makes me think about old Jack Kerouac tenderly folding the American flag.

Sometimes I feel like I just discovered America.

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Re: What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by mtmynd » February 9th, 2014, 2:54 pm

I don't recall Mr Zimmerman ever dis'ing the good ol' U.S. of A., do you? It's brought him a pretty decent life, IMHO... and that commercial of his makes the place look damn good... but I think you know that. That's the country we all like. ;)
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Re: What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by stilltrucking » February 10th, 2014, 12:20 pm

I was thinking about the big picture, us big picture people look down on the working class :wink:

Jobs are on the way Firesign theater

He sure sounded sincere, if you can fake that you got it made.

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Re: What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by mnaz » February 18th, 2014, 9:10 pm

what was that business about players reading the declaration of independence before the super bowl ?.... I mean, the whole thing fer chrissake.

made me all fired up to go and kick the crap out of the british ....


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Re: What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by silent woman » February 19th, 2014, 5:47 pm

'A tragedy without villains.'

I been trying to get my head around that. Very difficult for me to look at the United States today and not see villains.

I need my villains. Nothing to do with Dylan. Just a blurt. sorry
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Re: What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by stilltrucking » February 20th, 2014, 2:38 pm

If Dylan wanted to help maybe it is time he put his mouth where his money is.

What if Dylan did political ads, but oh no he is too pure for that, he is no pete seeger.
I would love to see him come down from his fences, get down and dirty for the people, I want to see Dylan raise some money for the Elizabeth Warren superpac, just a thought.

I wonder if Bob is still a Methodist?
Doesn't matter.
But does he have a protestant work ethic :wink:
loved you pete
thank you for your love of country
your fierce patriotism
rest in peace

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Re: What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by mnaz » February 20th, 2014, 3:26 pm

when I saw this thread, at first I thought you were talking about "kerouac and dylan," who used to post here ....

sometimes I think politics are a centuries-old virus that the collective human organism is still trying to kick ...

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Re: What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by stilltrucking » February 20th, 2014, 5:03 pm

I was thinking about her too, she really liked them. She was just a high school kid when she started posting to Litkicks. She was interesting when she was a college student, her thoughts about her courses in the political sciences were an education for me. Locke Hobbes Rouseau, she put a lot more thought into it than I did. I am still a hopeless romantic I suppose, rather politics than any other way I can think of.

Somebody said that the arrogance of the plutocrats is due to the fact that they know the other 99.99 percent are powerless in their grasp. I got pretty much burned out on politics after the fiasco of 2004, but still I have a trouble giving in to sin cynicism and despair. It is all over, just the farce from here, could be guess it has been since 1964 anyway.

oh god politics, I want to live the good life, I want to rise above it like Dylan, float like a butterfly sting like a Seeger. We need something , what ever happened to Occupy Wall Street, fell off the evening news, now we got cute cat videos

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Re: What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by mnaz » February 20th, 2014, 7:09 pm

yes, what happened to occupy? .... good question.

from what i saw (and heard), rubber bullets, mass-jailings, jack-booted military-trained riot cops, watch lists and surveillance are what happened to occupy ....

but they say it's not as bad as other places, so it must be okay ....

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Re: What's going on with kerouac and dylan

Post by stilltrucking » February 20th, 2014, 11:21 pm

Sorry Bob I must be stoned. I know you are not Jello Biafra,

Grasping at straws, looking for the great white hope that will lead us out of the capitalist zombie democracy. Putting my hope in Elizabeth Warren or someone like her.

Yes it is better here, look at the Ukraine. So everything is cool relax, watch the cute cat videos on the mainstream Big News Broadcasting channel of your choice

Like this.
Zombie Politics and Casino Capitalism
cut and paste

A very wise teacher once told us, “If you want to change the world, change the metaphor.”

But you need a different vocabulary and a different understanding of politics. Look, the right has one thing going for it that nobody wants to talk about. Power is global. And politics is local. They float. They have no allegiance to anyone. They don't care about the social contract, because if workers in the United States don't want to compromise, they'll get them in Mexico. So the notion of political concessions has died for this class. They don't care about it anymore. There are no political concessions.

The one percent. That's why they're so savage. They're so savage because there's nothing to give up. They don't have to compromise. The power is so arrogant, so over the top, so unlike anything we have seen in terms of its anti-democratic practices, policies, modes of governance and ideology.

That at some point, you know they feel they don't have to legitimate this anymore. I mean, it's because the contradictions are becoming so great, that I think all of a sudden a lot of young people are recognizing this language, this whole language, doesn't work. The language of liberalism doesn't work anymore.

And in this country. And it seems to me that while I may be too old to in any way begin to participate in this, I really believe that young people have recognized that they've been written out of the discourse of democracy. That they're in the grip of something so oppressive it will take away their future, their hopes, their possibilities and their sense of the future will be one that is less than what their parents had imagined.

And there's no going back. I mean, this has to be addressed. And it'll take time. They'll build the organizations. They'll get-- they'll work with the new technologies. And hopefully they'll have our generation to be able to assist in that, but it's not going to happen tomorrow. And it's not going to happen in a year. It's going to as you have to plant seeds. You have to believe that seeds matter.

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