libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

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libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by mnaz » April 8th, 2011, 11:04 pm ... Weldon#Bio

so former u.s. republican congressman curt weldon (bounced in 2006) is in libya, talking to gaddafi. he was one of the principal brokers of the 2004-05 deal(s) with gaddafi.

this weldon guy has quite a background. hired his daughter as a lobbyist. been investigated by the fbi. investigated by the house ethics committee. yes, more corruption. iran, iraq, private defense contractors, dealings with folks close to milosevic, ties to a russian energy firm, ties to iran-contra, ties to an italian arms maker, even sun myung moon!

and now he's back in libya, "trying to persuade gaddafi to step down." probably true. and probably not the whole story, no?

ok. i'll follow this thing as it develops. (or so i tell myself). for now i'll just post a partial list of "related links," re: weldon (from the link above)...
* "Add Karen Weldon, daughter of Rep. CurtWeldon, to the list of congressional sons, daughters, spouses, and in-laws whose lack of credentials, experience, or expertise hasn't stopped them from enjoying lucrative careers as government lobbyists," Washington Monthly (, April 2004.
* John Gorenfeld, "Weldon, Khadafy and Moongate," Where In Washington, D.C. Is Sun Myong Moon?, June 12, 2004.
* June 9, 2005. Weldon has warned that Iran is protecting Osama bin Laden in Tehran.
* Laura Rozen, "Curt Weldon's Deep Throat. The Pennsylvania Republican’s freelance spying has once again brought a discredited arms dealer's fabrications to the CIA," The American Prospect, June 10, 2005.
* "NY Post editorial advanced Weldon's unsubstantiated claims on Able Danger, Atta, 9-11 Commission," Media Matters for America, August 16, 2005.
* Larisa Alexandrovna, "Curt Weldon's attempt to tie Iran to nuclear arms plot," The Raw Story, January 11, 2006.
* Tom Ferrick Jr., "Indiana Jones? No, it's Weldon," Philadelphia Inquirer, June 28, 2006.

* “CREW releases second annual most corrupt members of Congress report,” Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, September 20, 2006.
* Greg Gordon, "FBI investigates Rep. Curt Weldon," McClatchy Newspapers (, October 13, 2006.
* Matt Kelley and Peter Eisler, "Relatives have 'inside track' in lobbying for tax dollars," USA TODAY, October 16, 2006.
* Elana Schor, "Weldon’s Itera ties long known," The Hill, October 18, 2006.
* R. Jeffrey Smith and Carol D. Leonnig, "Weldon's Ties to Serbian Businessman Part of Probe," Washington Post, October 18, 2006.

* Laura Rozen, "Crossed Lines? E-mails allege that Curt Weldon’s office attempted to obtain information on his opponent from the Navy," The American Prospect, October 26, 2006.
* Leslie Wayne, "Italian Arms Contractor and Pennsylvania Congressman Share Close Ties," New York Times, October 31, 2006.
* Steve Goldstein, "Weldon earmark is study in the ways of the Hill," Philadelphia Inquirer, October 31, 2006.
* Bonnie L. Cook, "Defense contractor in Exton appoints Weldon to post," Philadelphia Inquirer, February 5, 2007.

ok i lied. here is some interesting info (from 2005), re: weldon and iran...
Countdown to Terror, Representative Curt Weldon's sensationalistic new book about his personal struggle to combat the Iranian terrorism threat despite the alleged resistance of the CIA, is based entirely on the Pennsylvania Republican's freelance communications with a secret source he code-named "Ali."
... Weldon's "Ali" -- who was identified in an April article by me and Jeet Heer as Fereidoun Mahdavi, a frail, elderly former minister of commerce in the shah's government and a longtime business associate of Iran-Contra arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar Mahdavi also said that the bulk of the information that he had provided to Weldon was originally sourced from none other than Ghorbanifar, the subject of a rare CIA “burn notice” after the agency found him to be a "fabricator" more than two decades ago during the Iran-Contra affair.

According to Murray, Mahdavi only sent two faxes on the secure line -- one with all the information he had already sent Weldon and Michael Ledeen, the neoconservative scholar and longtime Ghorbanifar champion, and another with a plan to overthrow the mullahs in Tehran. . . . Several Iranian exile associates of the pair have told the Prospect that Mahdavi, living in reduced circumstances and caring for his cancer-stricken wife, is in fact financially dependent on Ghorbanifar. They have been involved in various businesses together, from petroleum shipping to arms dealing to (more recently) intelligence peddling, since both washed up in Paris after the Iranian revolution in 1979.
here's more on weldon, ledeen, iran and iraq: ... _0111.html
Ghorbanifahr has strong ties to Michael Ledeen, and both of them were involved in a controversial meeting in Rome of 2001. That meeting included high level officials in Italian intelligence, Iranian nationals and Larry Franklin, a former Defense Department analyst who pled guilty to charges of passing classified information to Israel and Iran. Also in attendance was Middle East expert Harold Rhode, also under investigation for charges of passing classified information to Israel and Iran. Both Rhode and Franklin worked for Feith in the Office of Special plans. Ledeen was consulting for OSP when all three were dispatched to Rome in 2001. He says the meetings had nothing to do with Iraq.
(the o.s.p., as you may recall, was the cheney-controlled pentagon (neo-con) unit that cooked up the "case" for invading iraq).
National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley was informed of the plans for the (Rome) meeting, and expressed reservations given Ledeen and Ghorbanifahr's background. The Office of Special Plans, however, authorized the meeting without notifying any other agency, violating protocol. They did not notify the Rome CIA station chief or the U.S. Ambassador to Italy, Mel Sembler. Ledeen, however, says that Hadley had authorized the trip. This would also implicate Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, then-National Security Advisor.
The uranium story peddled to Weldon is strikingly similar to the story told to Ledeen. "I approached a variety of government officials, lots of them, and told them that I had a reliable source that told me about how and where the Iranians stole enriched uranium from Iraq," Ledeen said. Asked if his source was Ghorbanifahr, Ledeen said "No," but was unable to tell the identity of his source for fear said source might be "put in danger." Who arranged the meetings and their ultimate purpose remains unclear. One intelligence official, however, described the series of events and the market of intelligence trafficking as follows: "If you were going to launder intel to make up a war, you could easily send some fool on an errand."

and here's an article about obama's expanding, "secret war"... ... 7543.shtml
Obama, one senior military official said, has allowed "things that the previous administration did not."

The United Nations, in a report this week, questioned the administration's authority under international law to conduct such raids, particularly when they kill innocent civilians. One possible legal justification -- the permission of the country in question -- is complicated in places such as Pakistan and Yemen, where the governments privately agree but do not publicly acknowledge approving the attacks. Former Bush officials, still smarting from accusations that their administration overextended the president's authority to conduct lethal activities around the world at will, have asked similar questions. "While they seem to be expanding their operations both in terms of extraterritoriality and aggressiveness, they are contracting the legal authority upon which those expanding actions are based
The Obama administration has rejected the constitutional executive authority claimed by Bush and has based its lethal operations on the authority Congress gave the president in 2001 to use "all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons" he determines "planned, authorized, committed, or aided" the Sept. 11 attacks. Many of those currently being targeted, Bellinger said, "particularly in places outside Afghanistan," had nothing to do with the 2001 attacks.

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Re: libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by Doreen Peri » April 10th, 2011, 12:47 am

Oh crap. I gotta get into this and learn more. Thanks for posting this. I'm so disillusioned. I really trusted and believed in Obama when i voted for him. I fear our country is gone and the whole purpose is money and expanding the American empire to take over the world. I get so upset about this stuff. I feel like a fool that I believed in him so much. I don't believe ANY of them any more! Who knew Obama would be another warmonger! I didn't. My son tried to tell me he's just the same. He's lying. I didn't listen.

The only guy I like is the Independent Senator in Vermont, Bernie Sanders. I LOVE him. Then again, I have no idea what HIS foreign policy is. I sure like everything else I've heard from him. Google him or Youtube search him.

I'll get into reading your links and replying more tomorrow to this post. It's late here now......

I just worry that our whole government is FUBAR... and that there is no saving it.

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Re: libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by stilltrucking » April 10th, 2011, 10:29 am

I gave up on connecting dots
they are too few and far between for me
, “The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.” candidate Obama.

Fight of the Valkyries
Published: March 22, 2011

I got no regrets about my vote for Obama Doreen. I went into the campaign with eyes wide shut. Given my choices I would still vote for him again.

I been trying to connect Orwell's Appendix to 1984 Noam Chomksky and neurolinguistics. The dots are too farapart for me.

I am pretty much in agreement with steve plonk's take on the war in Libyia. It is crazy. Makes me think Obama is pussy whipped, but you know me, I am j ust one of those jerks.
It is not yet clear if the Valkyries will get the credit or the blame on Libya. But everyone is fascinated with the gender flip: the reluctant men — the generals, the secretary of defense, top male White House national security advisers — outmuscled by the fierce women around President Obama urging him to man up against the crazy Qaddafi.

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Re: libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by stilltrucking » April 10th, 2011, 12:01 pm

Doreen I am sorry for the "strong language" I think Dowd used the phrase 'henpecked' into war.

mnaz another day another ramble
sorry i did not mean to highjack your post but I did
as long as I have allready done it I hope you will tolerate a few more random dots

With friends like france who needs enemies. Indo China for the French. Oh yes thank you france for taking the high ground. What the hell is with that sarkozy guy/ is he trying to wag the dog? Does he have an election coming up, what the hell was their rush, were they tring to help Obama win another nobel prize? Seemy dots are all jumbled. I can’t paint a picture to save my life.

Dots the appendix to 1984 and neuro-linguistics
A brave new world of science
No more preachers just neuro-theologians
Phenomenological Ontology
If only I knew something about phenomenological ontology
Instead of being a jack off intellectual

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Re: libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by mnaz » April 10th, 2011, 3:00 pm

thanks, doreen, jack.

the "dots" all seem to trace back to mega-dollar petro-interests of the u.s. (and its allies) in the middle east. (or perhaps even mineral interests in the case of afghanistan). that, and strategic geo-political "leverage" against iran-- for the same reasons (iran was a u.s. client state until 1979), but also because of the terrorist threat iran is said to pose to israel, which has fueled the rise of neoconservative philosophy and aggression (beginning mid-'80s, and really taking off in the '90s), which has ties to the hard-line israeli right-wing, and even the christian "evangelical" movement in the u.s. and of course the lingering hangover of the cold war was been another political dynamic at work, particularly re: afghanistan. we certainly had no problem with islamic militancy when it was aimed at the soviets.

the upshot is that mega-interests come first, and "noble causes" a distant second. war is much easier to sell when they intersect, of course, but it seems too often this is not the case. oppressive dictators are ok if they play ball, but when they "go rogue," it's time to go in and "liberate." saddam is the most obvious example. when he invaded iran, rumsfeld said, "good, now here are some weapons. chemical weapons? what chemical weapons?" ("freedom is untidy"-- remember that one?) but when saddam invaded kuwait (and some claim that he was given a false green light), he threatened u.s. interests, and suddenly he's ripping babies out of incubators, and bush I goes on tv and says, "this will not stand." same thing with gadaffi to some extent. we concede on lockerbie, he pays lip service to "renouncing ties to terror," and suddenly we (and he) are in business. it's still somewhat unclear to me what part genuine concern over wmd's has played re: saddam and gaddafi, but i'm guessing it was down the list in each case (especially iraq, 2003-- jeez).

but... plenty of people still don't see any big problem with this way of operating, no problem with self-interest-driven militarized foreign policy, as long as the end goal is "freedom and democracy over tyranny." can't say that i share their faith at this point. i mean, what kind of "democracy" has karzai's horrid regime given the afghan people for years now? does anyone really believe iraq has been "stabilized?" the u.s already has one major failed (and brutal) puppet state in the region on its resume (iran). libya was an oppressive western petro-client state for years until gadaffi's takeover in 1969. maybe it's just me, but i don't much care for the track record.

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Re: libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by stilltrucking » April 10th, 2011, 4:22 pm

I see it as Obama's doing. I don't see where congress had much to do with it. That is why Kucinich wants to impeach him.

Plenty of deals made. The Lockerby bomber mastermind released and a few days later the Brits announce a five billion dollar contract with Libya The Europeans have such a nice business model.

Freedom and Democracy. Yes I been reading too much Orwell
Everything sounds like Newspeak.

The word free still exists but only as monetary sense, it only has meaning as describing the cost of anything. The old testament, everything has a price.
The word free for example still exists but it could only be used in such statements as ‘free shipping and handling’ or ‘Buy one get one free’
It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought — that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc — should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.
The same old crowd is hanging out again. He sure has some foxy tailor made women on his staff. So did Kerry.

again sorry
The dots are blurry for me, yes corruption, that is probably what it is all about.
What else is new?

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Re: libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by Arcadia » April 13th, 2011, 3:49 pm

Obama & team just bored me...! when that happens I´m not good thinking & I don´t have paciencia to read or listen too much...! :roll: ( It´ll pass) Good research job mnaz!, it´s a relief to know that each one of us acts different in the studio...! :lol:

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Re: libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by stilltrucking » April 18th, 2011, 4:17 pm

"I know, I Know, I KNOW" Kurt Vonnegut introduction to A Duty Dance with Death: The Children s Crusade.

He was listed in Rolling Stone's worst of the worst issue on congress.

In the meantime I read an interesting article comparing T.J and Obama
"From the shores of Tripoli to the Halls of Montezuma" Sorry I can't find the link yet.

I don't think Obama is corrupt, well no more than Honest Abe or F.D.R.

I don't understand why he did it. Maureen Dowd come up with a good reason I guess. He was hen pecked into it.

So I still don't understand
wish i had that link
something about the Barbary Coast Pirates, an American named Eaton and Jefferson practicing the deceitful art of diplomacy.

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Re: libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by stilltrucking » April 18th, 2011, 4:23 pm

I found the link
Our original Libyan misadventure
What President Obama should know about Thomas Jefferson's decision to confront a troublesome tyrant in Tripol ... _scigliano
If Obama likewise chooses prudence over principle and accepts an accommodation with Gadhafi, he can take heart from how history has treated Jefferson. The deal with Yusuf did not buy the Barbary peace that Eaton had hoped to win; the Barbary boys resumed seizing ships, and American and Anglo-Dutch fleets responded with overwhelming force. Finally, in 1830, French forces occupied Algiers, ending the piracy but launching a cycle of colonization, resistance and resentment that reverberates to this day. But such consequences are little noted today. And the scandal Eaton raised quickly dissipated. Jefferson is now remembered for taming the Barbary pirates, not for betraying Libya's rebels. The swashbuckling Eaton remained a schoolboy hero through the 19th century, then faded from the records. Popular accounts, some official military histories and of course the "Marine Corps Hymn" credit the march on Derna not to him and his ragtag Mediterranean corps but to the eight marines who accompanied him. Even though they never quite made it to the shores of Tripoli.

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Re: libya, gaddafi, curt weldon, connecting dots...

Post by Steve Plonk » April 18th, 2011, 10:28 pm

I am pretty much in agreement with steve plonk's take on the war in Libyia. It is crazy.
Thanks for the ad, Stilltrucking...Yeah, Gadhafi's
"crazy in his ass" as they say in our 'hood. This Libya brushfire war is crazy & hellish...I hope NATO can help the best folk win, when they find out who they are?! I'm going to withhold any additional comments until I can figure out
what is happening down in the Libyan 'hood. What a convoluted web of intrigue
& stupidity & good ole oil flaming out on the ground!

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