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Occupy Wall Street

Posted: September 19th, 2011, 8:25 am
by Cenacle
Hey everyone,

There is an occupation street protest happening on Wall Street in New York. Here are the links:

Live feed:
News coverage: ... ettled-in/

It's quite a thing to see hundreds of people put themselves on the line in this way. Take a look for yourself.


Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: September 19th, 2011, 9:26 am
by judih
Two months of people living in tents in Tel Aviv, Be'er Sheva and Haifa to protest the impossible cost of living - and we got a Committee and a report and some plans for reform. (not a lot, but something)
May the US citizenry declare themselves!

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: September 19th, 2011, 4:18 pm
by mnaz
wall street figured out long ago how to swindle us. and how to keep us cowed--- "if you try to regulate us, the jobs will go away"... well, guess what. we didn't (at least not adequately), and they're STILL going away...

(applies to more than only wall street)

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: October 9th, 2011, 9:59 am
by Atehequa
This is exactly why the United States needs to stop sending so much financial support to violent nations that the rest of the world wouldn't touch with a 10' pole. Especially the ones America feels obligated to support for nothing but religious reasons.

Especially the ones who steal other people's water and makes them pay to drink it.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: October 9th, 2011, 8:47 pm
by myrna minkoff
I must have missed something here. I just can't connect the dots from the wall street protests to the modern state of Israel. :?

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: October 12th, 2011, 1:52 pm
by Arcadia
hey, Cenacle! gracias for the links and best wishes with the marchas & acampes! :) I saw reports each day from Telesur and I was impressed with the high creative-art-humorous vein they have, also sadden & surprised by the desmesurado represion aparatus around them...

now, some links I´ve been reading: the first two ones are old ones and are for s-t (maybe they help you to answer some questions... or not... :lol: :wink:). The other ones are from Counterpunch and I found them interesting for diferent reasons: ... 09-26.html ... 09-23.html ... he-people/ ... class-war/ ... ithout-me/ ... ll-street/

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: October 12th, 2011, 6:34 pm
by mnaz
thanks arcadia.

good reads, all ...
enjoyed the jack random article...
Young people were told they had to complete higher education to compete in the new global economy. Now all but the elite are being priced out of their universities. Now those who take on exorbitant loans are graduating only to find there are no jobs even for them. The high-paying, high-skill jobs have also been sent overseas. Now they have found common ground with the rest of their generation because they are all out of a job, out of luck and out of hope.
They are not socialists but they know what socialism is. They are not capitalists but they know what capitalism is. They include both socialists and capitalists because they know they must form an economy that incorporates elements of both if they are to serve both society at large and the individual.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: October 13th, 2011, 10:00 am
by Artguy
The movement is moving this way. In younger days i would be there. I wish them well as it is a cause that touches us all. The divide between the wealthy and the poor is reminiscent of pre-revolution Russia. I don't wish the world the same result, but a move towards a world of universal compassion.

As far as comments about socialism and communism I wish someone would actually read Marx. He clearly stated that communism is not a revolutionary process but an evolutionary process of which socialism is the first stage after the fall of capitalism. There never has been a communist country. It is just a word adopted by the Russians and Chinese to placate their populations, and a word adapted by the west to implant paranoia. Both of those alleged communist countries were autocratic dictatorships.
According to Marx, capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction. Communism was the inevitable end to the process of evolution begun with feudalism and passing through capitalism and socialism. Marx wrote extensively about the economic causes of this process in Capital. Volume one was published in 1867 and the later two volumes, heavily edited by Engels, were published posthumously in 1885 and 1894.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: October 16th, 2011, 8:36 pm
by Arcadia
today pagina12 newspaper´s links about yesterday: ... 10-16.html ... 10-16.html

in my city, yesterday, there was only one woman carrying a cartel with the "Occupy Wall Street, we are the 99%" consigna in the escalinatas on the Bolsa de Comercio ... it was a strange image, I wish I had a camera at that moment...! ... ten years ago in december 2001, the streets literally burned here and the so called first world was worried with other things at that moment ... maybe we really live in some kind of misterious antipodian times ... or not, who knows!

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 1:50 pm
by Arcadia
La paradoja con los indignados, today in pagina12: ... 10-18.html