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Capitalism as Theology

Posted: October 15th, 2014, 5:35 pm
by sweetwater
How we assemble
Our discussions
And society

Theosophical schools of thought
and the imagination

How we assemble ourselves
and society as theology ...

The various schools of thinking
Socialization and competing

The existential theosophical
viewpoint of being and nothingness
In conflict with opposing

As much as other theologies
And social pathologies in conflict
With competing values

or a thinking and awareness of being and becoming ...
As language and the use of language

Where language is logic and logical
and even to say mathematical ...

The sublime mathematical awareness
of how we assemble ourselves as metaphor ...

the mind
thinking of Mind !

The absence of conflict
As Theology Socialization
And individual pathology

Being and becoming participating
and co operating with the senses
and the sensitivities of others !

The book of sen