Hubble & More

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Hubble & More

Post by mtmynd » October 26th, 2021, 1:42 pm

Hubble & More (haven't heard much about Hubble since 2021)

What we new i 2004 |||||___________>.>.

The Hubble has seen and it sees at that moment - thirteen-billion-point-seven years ago, not present, but past... light that has passed thru the universe to reach the lens of Hubble. Is there more beyond that? Is what is seen still there? These are questions that cannot be answered in the here and now, but only seen, glimpses into the ancient past, what has been, but not knowing what will be drives science bonkers and forwards.
Our generation has accepted the theory of Big Bang... science has put together formulas to prove it, but could it be that the Big Bang is like taking a Big Breath - the lungs filling up to full capacity, before the Great Exhalation? Perhaps one day there will be another theory to tease the mind - the Universal Breath.

The universe defies our comprehension, but we have no choice but to stare out into the cosmos and be awed at what we see... beauty that our eyes have never beheld or even imagined. Galaxies being swallowed by Black Holes, stars being born, stars collapsing within themselves... science has theorized these things, but to actually see them is truly incredible... incredible for eyes and indeed the whole sensory experience that has never been able to witness such things.

Our own planet we call Earth is some 93 million miles away from the Sun... distant enough to provide an environment conducive to Life and for Life to do what it must... survive. If indeed there is proof that Life existed on Mars would prove that our Sun is shrinking... reducing in size. That would be reason that Mars is no longer hospitable for Life, the Sun is smaller than it was and heat no longer provides for the stew of Life to continue "cooking."

Should, in the far distance, the Sun continue to burn itself out, Venus, which is now under development with its gases stewing, may be the next place for Life to go in order to sustain itself. (A smaller Sun in accordance with a smaller planet may provide what Life needs, the mysterious 'balance'). The survival mechanism that Life is, is not simply for mankind. We are just fragments of Life that has evolved from Life's past, and we will be displaced at some point with a Life form that is more suitable for survival than ourselves. Life does not discriminate, but survives by any means available to its continuity.

Should Earth approach any closer or further than this 93 million mile safety zone Life would abandon Earth out of necessity to survive. Nature (the physical manifestation of Consciousness) may just being using the human form to reach beyond the Earth, conscious of its purpose to survive. We homo sapiens have been given by life as an instrument for its own survival... to possibly reach, even with only DNA strands or embryos in tubes sustained by our knowledge of robotics to plant ourselves upon distant planets, not for the continuation of the human species, but the continuation of Life, which is far more important that we pitiful, fearful, doubters that have ravaged and pillaged this planet that once was a "Garden of Eden".
It has been said by some that it is our Consciousness that is complete, and our humanity that is lacking. But if nothing else there are those among us that see the distance, the future possibilities, even though those futures are illuminations long passed, we are no different from the moth approaching the flame, or the sunflower whose head follows the Sun... we are all travelers upon one Planet and we are called Life... we must survive if consciousness is ever able to become one with the Universal Intent... even if it takes 13.7 billion years.
Cecil B. Lee (m.t.mynd)
[concieved :: 09.03.2004
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Re: Hubble & More

Post by stilltrucking » October 27th, 2021, 1:50 pm

thanks for writting
a good read, a good, re-read, and read again.
I don't mean nothing by this quote :| it just popped into my head.
Enchantment as an Engine of Education
Thanks for a reminder to look up and see my place in sky 8) 8)

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