What am I missing here?

What in the world is going on?
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What am I missing here?

Post by hester_prynne » April 10th, 2007, 8:12 pm

What is this Imus thing? Why is Sharpton so mad? He seems, like really overly mad. They all seem to be.
I don't know who this Imus guy is but I know what he said and I find it hard to believe he would say that with malice on the air. I mean, he was complementing them I thought, in a sort of modern way?
I dunno. I've been called a fat white honky bitch, in a strange sort of endearing way, not a way that I would condone but I knew that the person uttering it was not saying it with malice, more with reckless, loving, edgy familiarity.
It was a stupid thing to say yes, but the reaction seems so overheated.
Am I missing something? Is this Imus guy horrible? Enlighten Hester, the gray haired ho bag!
H 8)
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Post by stilltrucking » April 10th, 2007, 10:21 pm

Something to talk about. It takes everyone mind off less important stuff like, you know less important stuff. War, corruption, stuff like that.
I have never heard his show but IIt was a stupid, ignorant, offensive thing to say. It was not funny except to klan members

Also they are just college kids, not rich professionals.

Maybe one day Al Sharpton will have something to appologize for.

I am having second thoughts about that link to the info on Al Sharpton,
here is what the wiki says about it.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Horo ... dom_Center

The only thing that I am sure of is that Sharpton was convicted of libel for his role in the Tawana Brawley hoax. He never appologized for that.

Am I hijacking again?
Last edited by stilltrucking on April 11th, 2007, 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 11th, 2007, 10:20 am

I woke up still pissed about this
He is stupid
Sounds like he is trying to talk like he is black
I bet he has lots of black friends

And sharpton is probably more of a racist than he is.

Who ever called you a
I've been called a fat white honky bitch
were they on network radio making about a billion dollars a day to talk to millions of people or was it just some racist bitch?

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Post by stilltrucking » April 11th, 2007, 10:49 am

You know what I am missing?
I am missing why I give a shit about this?
I did not give any thought till you brought it up
Oh I heard about it and I probably gave it about ten seconds and dismissed it as another stupid white person stunt
I wonder why I am even writing about it now?
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Post by stilltrucking » April 11th, 2007, 12:25 pm

Maybe this will explain it. It was a slow news day.
From the washingtonpost.com
The story was picked up by media outlets facing the news vacuum of a long holiday weekend. Finally, the evidence was preserved by video-sharing Web sites.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... id=topnews
he was complementing them I thought, in a sort of modern way?
Oh my white sister... :roll:

I suppose he was just having a bad hair day.

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Post by mtmynd » April 12th, 2007, 1:47 pm

soo and i will miss his show... watched it daily while having our coffee. damned entertaining, altho it took some time to adjust to the old curmudgeon's ways. a bigot? not a chance if anyone watched his show. like any good shock jock he laid shit on anyone including favorites of his (and they did likewise to him). a bigot?? he had black athletes on, black musicians, played some black preachers jesus ravings (without insult).

i guarantee you the mouths that wanted him off the air never got into his show.

as soo says his actions were proof of his goodness. he has done one hell of a lot of good - has a ranch for cancer kids, helped raise big money for a hospital for the injured vets, did not let the walter reed bullshit die, helped (with his wife) get an autism act passed, gave tremendous support to the green movement (along with his wife), never had guests that he didn't like, introduced his listeners to some great musical acts (live, in studio), recently gave a black kid who has cancer in his eye, a ride on his jet from AZ to to some big hospital on the east coast, with his wife attended the funeral of one of their ranch kids who had died... the list goes on and on. all that unfortunately erased by three words that grew out of proportion: "nappy-headed hos".

the whole thing sucks from the vacuous mouths of ignorance bringing notice to their agendas far less important than what don imus has done during his career.

and life goes on... with one less bit of goodness.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 12th, 2007, 2:42 pm

Yeah I miss him too
I always love a good nigger joke

if six was nine
i could care less
but I am tired of hearing his appologies.

no doubt he has done a lot of good
that is good
but why does he keep saying those kinds of things and then appologize all over the place.

he has got a long track record of doing that.
he said ok he said it
just let it stand
why keep trying to take it back.
it is nauseating to hear him keep doing ti over and over
fuck it
I don t care
just not my cup of tea I suppose
I am out of this.

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Post by mtmynd » April 12th, 2007, 4:13 pm

I imagine a lot of his apologizing has to do with his kid and wife. difficult for anyone to go from a hero in their family's eyes to a turd in three easy words...

"...but I am tired of hearing his apologies."

blame the media on that one, truck. besides, what else would you like to hear from him?

the country is too damn serious for its own good when the words from a 65 yr old ex-druggie and alcoholic are taken as an affront to so many in the same situation, i.e. druggies and alcoholics themselves, while our government continues lying to its citizens without apology.

and in the meantime, the blacks talk about the honkies behind their backs, the hispanics talk about the blacks behind their backs, orientals talk about the hispanics behind their backs and the american indians talk about all of us/them behind our backs. go figure. freedom of speech is limited by the amount of freedom put upon the context which nobody knows until they speak. :roll:

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Post by stilltrucking » April 12th, 2007, 5:15 pm

I think girls in america are having enough trouble with their self image body image or what ever you call it. It was a vicious thing to say.

He did not say it in private, he is paid millions of dollars to say it to millions of people.

Like I said I could care less. I am sorry I even replied to hester. I should have sat on my hands.

The Wit and Wisdom of Don Imus

I forgive him Cecil.
I have to
Seven times

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Post by stilltrucking » April 12th, 2007, 10:32 pm

Somebody get me a soap box

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Post by sooZen » April 13th, 2007, 6:58 am

Hes...It is sad when what one says is more important than what one does.

I have followed and listened to this guy for many, many years and he has pissed me off more than once but I know in his heart, he is a good man with a big mouth and a perchant for saying things off the cuff and without thinking. Everyone and everything is fair game that is for sure.

But I also know what he does for kids...all kids and wounded vets...no matter who they are. He is not a bigot or a misogonist. His wife is an outspoken, confident woman and a man couldn't be married to her and hate women. She has cleaned up his act considerably as well as cleaning up and getting rid of chemicals in hospitals with her "greening and cleaning."

If those girls, who didn't deserve what Don said about them but he did, are terribly wounded by what a 65 year old dusty cowboy says they are in worse shape in the long run. People are and can be cruel and insulting and I always take Nathan's tact (my retarded son). Nothing people say bothers him...that is THEIR problem, not his.

Imus was highly entertaining...I loved seeing Emmy Lou and Mark Knoffler debut their new album (it's killer!) on his show. I loved his attitude about his ranch for kids with cancer. His is a working ranch, the kids learn skills and are not molly-coddled there. I started a summer camp for kids with cancer...that was my attitude about the kids as well. They are individuals not a "disease."

He did more in his life with his money than most celebrities do including those that are so critical now. It makes me sad.
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Post by mnaz » April 13th, 2007, 5:24 pm

Well, I don't know what Imus said exactly, but I'm sure it's far less worthy of outrage than, say, George W. Bush perpetually telling bald-faced lies to sell an aggressive, profiteering war of choice to the people, or the latest load of stench-ridden garbage to ooze from Rush Limbaugh's filthy, lying mouth; the worst bastards of all never seem to have to face the consequences of their words and actions. Priorities, people! Honestly, I don't think we see the forest for the trees... or something like that.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 14th, 2007, 9:05 pm

I agree with you mnaz.
Limbaugh is probably worse, he says the same kinds of things but uses his 'code" words so all the ditto heads know who he means.

Cecil you know I see the mote in his eye and not the beam in mine. BUt he lost me when he went pandering to to the likes of Al Sharpton. I felt like I wanted to puke. I suppose he was worried about not being able to continue his good works with the children and was willing to surrender his integrity to that. What difference does it make? I have not lost my sense of humor yet compadre.

Sharpton such a tower of moral authority.

All this talk about free speech. Yes indeed. I am all for it. I don't like the way Germany for example bans certain kinds of speech, they even ban certain symbols. Has it helped any?

I got flammed once on litchicks cause I told a sick joke about the Holocaust. I was very sad. I lost a cyber friend. A cool chick in a red pick up truck. She told me that if I was in Canada she would have me jailed under their hate speech laws.

Imus's speech is not free, he was paid
ten million dollars and
that air space he is talking to belongs to all of us,
Let him stand on a soap box and talk like a wigger.

I wish him well, he obviously is a good person
which is more than I can say about Rush Slimebaugh.

I know, I know, it was just a joke
but it wasn't funny.

I did not give it much thought when I heard it, just another stupid human trick I thought.
Priorities, oh lordy mnaz
I suppose my number one priority right now is to keep breathing.
I am not as ambitious as I once was.

yes hester he meant it as a compliment

Which shows a certain arrogance on his part, nice guy that he is.
I have been guilty of that too
that is why I always liked this line from a jitterbug song
"you can't be any better than the worst you recognize."

I am hoping something good will come out of this.

But the sad part of all this for me is that slush slimeball still sleezes his merry way on to the bank.

I have compassion for Imus but even more for the those kids on that basketball team. "if it don't kill them it will make them stronger" paraphrase of Totenputz's tag line.
He did more in his life with his money than most celebrities do including those that are so critical now. It makes me sad.

It makes me sad too SooZen. I don't even know what the eight noble truths are, I been pretty much concentrating on right speech and right livelihood, and also non-violence if that is one of them too.

I am done pontificating
I am done talking about this
I did not even know I cared this much about it
Sticks and stones yes
maybe words spoken can not hurt
but words written have caused much pain
language a mixed blessing?

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Post by whimsicaldeb » April 22nd, 2007, 2:46 pm

Oh my GAWD! I'm appalled by this thread. Then again 99% of the time I am totally opposite of the lead mine-sets on this board anyway, so why the hell should I be surprised to be finding something like this, here.

None the less, I am.

Oh my GAWD!

On the off chance that there was a glimmer of genuine sincerity in your musings about how or why others like myself found it offensive when Imus called a group of young women whores because of a basketball game, I suggest reading these commentaries and trying their perspectives on for size ...

Stop Those Girls!, or: The Don Imus and Nancy Pelosi Show
By Stephan Richter | Friday, April 13, 2007

Imus isn’t the real bad guy
Instead of wasting time on irrelevant shock jock, black leaders need to be fighting a growing gangster culture.

It's more than just Imus
April 12, 2007 - Shaun Powell

And has anyone on this board happened to notice all the good that's come out of all this? Has anyone watched or read about any of the things that have been happening concerning this subject on shows such as Oprah this last week? Including how all sides are agreeing about how old and tired Sharpton and Jackson have become?

No - Not aware? Why not? Haven't take the time to read other perspectives? Haven't take the time to look? Don't really want to find anything positive? Dont' really want to find anything that might disturb your old, tired worn-out personal biases and prejudices perhaps? (Just like Sharpton & Jackson)

WAKE UP is right.

Perhaps these other perspectives will start you on your way, on that path of "enlighten" of your limited, narrow-minded, bigoted perspectives.

I can only hope.

As for me, sticking around here and talking about this with any of you, here - forget it. If I stay around and try and talk we'll end up fighting and then then Doreen would get on my case again. None of which I want.

Besides; you either understand and are open to and with these other perspectives - or you not. And if your not; it's pointless to argue.

Still, you did ask (even if your questions were most likely rhetorical) - so, I've dropped off these different perspectives, spoken my piece, and now I leave (again!). As usual.

But really, you CAN go and out and find these things on out on your own ... that is, if you truly wanted to.

And Hester - I'll make it real simple for you. Real men do not call women whores. Period. Even if the woman is a prostitute, even if the woman herself says it's okay; they still do not call them a whore. Once that's understood, all the rest falls into place.


If you disrespect anybody that you run in to
how in the world do you think anybody's s'posed to respect you?
If you don't give a heck 'bout the man with the bible in his hand
just get out the way, and let the gentleman do his thing.
You the kind of gentleman that want everything your way
take the sheet off your face, boy, it's a brand new day!
Respect yourself, respect yourself
If you don't respect yourself
ain't nobody gonna give a good cahoot, na na na na
Respect yourself, respect yourself
If you're walking 'round think'n that the world owes you something
'Cause you're here
You goin' out the world backwards like you did when you first come here
Keep talkin' bout the president, won't stop air pollution.
Put your hand on your mouth when you cough, that'll help the solution
Oh, you cuss around women and you don't even know their names
Then you're dumb enough to think that'll make you a big ol man

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Post by stilltrucking » April 22nd, 2007, 2:52 pm

Thanks deb
your opinion always welcome

As for myself
I have so many opinions I hardly have enough bodily openings to express them all.

Good to see you
You been missed
Happy earth day.

What's your hurry?

I am happy you are speaking to me again.
no jive sister
lets move on

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