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Posted: March 26th, 2010, 2:44 pm
by Artguy
Grooveshark playlist Dylan all day in my office...went out got some winter sun...walked the downtown street watching all the Art students milling about ...cigarettes dangling from their young mouths...all with there own fashion version of I am an Artist and it hurts soooo bad....CN tower with stabbing shadow...OCAD box teetering on coloured pencils...smell of beer in the air in front of Village Idiot Pub...Tourists at the gallery ...Tut has left the building...Gehry's glass boat glistens and China town beckons.................

Posted: March 26th, 2010, 8:24 pm
by Doreen Peri
i dug the winter coat
back out of the closet,
wind chill quick to the bone,
took the long way back home
from a friend's,

ended the day
praying for his health while
meditating on the wealth of
colorful fish in the tropical

i need to find him the book
i promised. is there such a book?
i made it up, said I'd bring it,
envision yourself healed,
a topic of hope.

how does a person cope when
riddled with cancer?
i don't have an answer
but he is managing
and i am memorizing hues
from dynamic royal blue to
bright light yellow, streaks of
green and orange, violet and
red, a paradise of fish, flowering
in the water flow, sea creatures
protecting each other, an entire
ecosystem behind the glass

believe in the fish,
i tell him. they swim to survive,
alive without a care!
believe in the rainbow
colors, i dare to say because
you must believe the way
the sun believes it will rise

you have a long way to go,
i think and maybe he can hear
my thoughts pouring from my eyes.
the rainbow has not given up on you.

i put my coat back on,
headed back out, collar turned up
to the wind, my heart skipping beats

believe in the fish
believe in the rainbow colors
they are your spring garden!

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 12:48 am
by judih
when in doubt
try fran drescher
when in plump visions of radiance
try deepak chopra
when in auras of ohm shanti
try ram dass
one a day
call back in the morning

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 2:11 am
by Doreen Peri
the host barely showed up
shame shame shame
is it passover yet?
spread my blood
on the dor jam
forgive me for
i know not what
i didn't do

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 5:17 am
by judih
host smiles over mantelpiece
lots of time for hot baked bread
bring on the jam

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 8:37 am
by HaroHalola
"Take two Tablets and call me in 6000 years..." Sinaius Placebus

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 2:04 pm
where will i be?
the other side?
an electric glide?
damn sure it'll be
a jam of a ride
6,000 years
like an H.G. Wells
like a time machine
jam's come and jam's go
but what's always
here is flow>>>>>>>>

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 3:23 pm
by judih
hanging on the inside lane
dimensional uncoventional
ku high on helium
mind low on linoleum
crash culture mix
rapper iambic fix

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 3:36 pm
by SadLuckDame
Going down route
no notice of line
thinking 'bout being
the exception
or finding one.

Just funny ego,
really, I'm fine.

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 6:31 pm
tequila and cafe
unlikely mix
blurring double
amarillo as the
lights go down
jam on the wane?
as i sit at the
nola bar
able to pass
the test
jam on jack!
jam on allen!
jam on judih
and sadluckdame
arcadia too

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 11:12 pm
by HaroHalola
A mind low
on mausoleum
petal to the metal
rapper's idee fixe

Goin' down
too slow
to too
s l o w

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 11:37 pm
by judih
been going down
these past 12 years
no bottom in sight
all that held promise
was shown as lies
all that smiled
was false pride
the heart is rotten
but the spirit won't quit
at the end of a road
but i just can't sit
i'll keep going
until i'm hit

Posted: March 28th, 2010, 12:52 am
by HaroHalola
really knows?
'cept those

but those
of the
orange groves
the goats' blood
the madness?

Shalom Bayit...
I submit

Posted: March 28th, 2010, 3:35 am
by still.trucking
Oh say can you see
Homo sapiens conceit
By the dawn’s early light
Hiroshima’s red glare

Yes I got crazy eyes
Death camps and Rwanda
A Brazen Bull

Srebrenica and Wounded Knee
Verdun and Shiloh
Good growing weather
For cannon fodder

Bloody holy land
Where Jesus walked
Among the Seminoles

Buddha my bleeding heart
Jesus my compassion.

It is all good they say
The slayer and the slain
More than I know
More then I can say

I could scream
But I only shake my head

This same creature
That painted the Sistine Chapel
Carved beauty from stone
Wrote symphonies
Bloody hell
What a world

And I am only grateful
To see another spring
And hear the birdies sing

I submit
to my vanity

Posted: March 28th, 2010, 6:35 am
by judih
it ain't easy
seeing what's to be seen
corruption eats well
self-gratification instant drive-in utopia
but the harvesters, the planters of seeds
a small handful of hope