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Rearranging forums & call for tech help

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 10:45 am
by Doreen Peri
I'm really seriously thinking of rearranging this whole site. There are so many forums which don't get used at all.

The site is not very active lately and I attribute that to the fact that it's just the way life is. It's summertime, people have lives, they go to various sites on the internet..... but that said, none of us want to be bored here so some changes/ rearrangements are necessary so that when people do come back, there's something new happening.

Honestly, the dynamic of the place has changed and to keep a dynamic active, we have to have change.

I've asked a couple of times whether people thought it would be OK with them to eliminate forums which don't get used. Each time, members said no, they didn't want me to do that. So, I don't know exactly how I'm going to rearrange the forums, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to do it.

I will probably combine several forums, merge them.

I need tech help.

I need someone to
1) write a script so that the banners change on their own
2) update the software
3) help me find a modification or write the code for a modification to put old archived events and forums on a second page.

Does anybody work with the phpBB software? Are there any techies out there?

If none of you are techies, do you know someone who might want to help? If so, please have them contact me. If there is a cost for this help, somehow I'll figure out how to pay for it so when you talk to your techie friends, please let them know this is a paying job, not volunteer work.

Of course, if there's someone out there who wants to volunteer, that's even better and I would be grateful, but I must be realistic that the possibility of that happening is slim. People should be paid for their work.

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 10:31 pm
by judih
doreen -
Is there a way to make a page two of the Studio? Interesting concept. Hope you find your techie.

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 10:57 pm
by Doreen Peri
I wish I knew, judih.

I think that's what I'd like to do. Put the Artlogs on one page, the Archives on another page, and the Creative Forums on another page. 3 pages. I think that would be ideal. (Then again, maybe there's another way to rearrange everything.) But without the tech help, it won't happen even if it's possible because even if I found the modification to do this, I'd be scared I'd screw it up if I tried.

Maybe I'll find the time to go hang out on some techie site and post a classified ad or post one at craigslist or something.

If you know of any tech savvy people who may be interested in a quick side job, let me know. What I have in mind probably wouldn't take a knowledgeable person very long to do. thanks!