Uploading images????

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Uploading images????

Post by Artguy » September 11th, 2004, 1:08 pm


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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » September 11th, 2004, 1:22 pm

hey artguy! welcome!

to show an image on the thread, you will have to have the address where it resides on the net, i.e. on your website

then you do the bulletin board tags with the URL inside of them

there is an Img button at the top of the posting window which creates the tag for you.... I've put spaces in it here so the tags will show

[ img ] http: //kurtswebsiteaddress.com/images/nameofimage.jpg [ /img ]

something like that

Looking forward to seeing your new work!

The Artists section of the Studio Eight site will be launched soon, btw... hopefully next week... I'm going to launch it section by section and the artists section will go up first.... I hope you like your page... Thank you so much for participating in this project!

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Post by mnaz » September 11th, 2004, 1:49 pm

hey doreen...

What about image size? Does the software automatically
control, or constrain it somehow? Or do you have store the
exact size image you wish to show at the source address?
Any idea?

(with normal html code, the image size, in pixels, can be
directly specified, but that doesn't appear to be the case, here).

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » September 11th, 2004, 2:00 pm

hey mnaz...

honestly? i donno.

I always save my images in the exact size I want them to be displayed.

I'm really just as new here as everybody else.. learning how to use the software

I have also enabled html code but magicmystery was telling me that sometimes it doesn't work. I read in the FAQ (supplied by the software... top left link) that some html code is disabled "so that the layout doesn't get altered" or something like that, so, I suspect that using the board's image code with the bracket might somehow make a larger image smaller to "fit" in the layout.

I'm just guessing.

If it were me, I'd save the image the size you want it displayed then reference it with code and see how it appears.

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