Gallows Humor from The Onion

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Gallows Humor from The Onion

Post by still.trucking » May 17th, 2009, 7:24 pm

Israeli PM Debuts New Road Map For Continued Strife

JERUSALEM—In a historic speech before the U.N. Tuesday, newly elected Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled a comprehensive plan to extend political discord and senseless violence in the Middle East through the next 25 years. Key elements of the 60-page road map include a symbolic and ultimately fruitless 2010 regional summit, a tenuous cease-fire that will be violently broken mid-autumn by an as-yet-unnamed splinter group, a series of hope-shattering assassinations, and two untimely comas. "I intend to lead the nation of Israel out of this senseless, bitter fighting and chaos, and into a new era of organized, carefully thought-out fighting and chaos," Netanyahu said. "If Israelis and Arabs work together, we can put off lasting peace indefinitely." Sources close to the prime minister indicated that Netanyahu would be willing to consider Palestinian statehood if such a move led to a full-scale Mideast war. ... s_new_road
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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