Signs you're from New Hampshire

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Signs you're from New Hampshire

Post by sasha » February 4th, 2018, 2:42 pm

You might be from New Hampshire if…

…you think of Connecticut as a southern state;
…you call any municipality with more than 2 traffic lights a "city";
…you call the grounds just outside your front entry “the dooryard";
…you call any meal taken at midday “dinner”;
…you pronounce “dooryard” as “doah-yahd”, and “dinner” as “dinnah”;
…you can identify 8 different species of biting insect just by the welts they leave;
…you don’t think mosquito helmets look funny;
…you’ve ever used cardboard, duct tape, or picture wire to make a temporary repair that’s become permanent;
…you'd rather spend an entire weekend building a bookcase from scratch than drop $49.95 for one ready-made at Walmart;
…you measure distance in units of travel time, and…
…you’re half an hour from the nearest anything;
…you’re contemptuous of authority, but support the death penalty;
…you support not only the death penalty, but also the legalization of pot;
…you know what leaf-peepers are;
…you know what no-see-ums are;
…you know what sugar on snow is, and have had it;
…you know what flatlanders are, and have strong opinions about their place in the food chain;
…you have a bumper sticker reading “Welcome to New Hampshire. Now go home.”
…you wouldn’t be caught dead reading Yankee Magazine;
…Men: you think there’s nothing sexier than a woman in a snowmobile suit;
…Women: red and black flannel turns you on.

"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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