The perils of parenting

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The perils of parenting

Post by sasha » July 28th, 2018, 12:16 pm

The boss couldn't find the latest monthly report, so he had to call its author at home to find out which folder she'd put it in. The phone was picked up on the first ring. A child whispers, "Hello?"

"Hello," the boss says. "Can I speak to your mommy please?"

To his surprise, the child whispers "No." "Why not?" the boss asks. The child whispers, "Because she's talking to the policeman."

Wondering what's going on, the boss then says, "Well then, can I talk to your daddy?"

Again the child says "No." Again the boss asks why not. "Because he's talking to the fireman."

Getting concerned, the boss starts to ask what's happening but he's cut off by a loud roaring sound from the speaker. "What's that?" he asks.

"The helicopter just landed," the child replies.

The boss is getting frantic. "A helicopter?? Why is a helicopter landing there?"

The child says, "To bring the search party."

In full panic, the boss shrieks, "Search party?? What are they searching for??"

The child giggles. "Me!"
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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