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let's give this a rest

Post by brooklyn » October 7th, 2004, 9:11 am

Doreen --

Let's give this a rest for a few days. To tell the truth, I am still pissed off. And I guess your recent responses here make me think that you haven't heard anything I've said about what got me pissed off in the first place.

I don't mind complaints and suggestions if they are useful ones. I love suggestions. Much of LitKicks wouldn't exist today if it weren't for various member suggestions.

I am angry because I feel you ignore one of the most important and obvious rules of website community interaction, which is: DON'T WASTE THE WEBMASTER'S TIME. I am busy and I just don't have time to deal with constant special requests. That is why I got pissed off. And I still don't have any sense that you have heard me on this or that you plan to stop requiring so much of my time with your various problems with your posts.

-- Levi

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » October 7th, 2004, 9:21 am

This is a rule I totally understand, Levi! I don't appreciate when people waste my time, either!

It took a lot of my time to try to get you to hear ME when I told you my line breaks weren't appearing right. I'm not sure you ever heard what I was saying since you didn't care to take the time to fix it.

This request was important to me since my poem had to do with my own impending death. I wish you'd either delete the post or post it correctly for me.

That's the ONLY problem I had with my posts.

If you can edit other people's posts for grammar and spelling, etc., why couldn't you take a moment to correct my line breaks for me? It was only a matter of copy and paste.

The only other thing I said was one suggestion to you which was a useful one -- To add a few character spots in the title line if it was at all possible.

I have to get back to work now.

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