calling out truckin and joker

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Post by K&D » September 8th, 2005, 10:48 am

hey truckin. i haven't had a time to reply, something that i thought was cool has happened but now i'm finding out it might not be what i expected. will answer you questions when i get back from class today after lunch...maybe inbetween classes we shall see.

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Post by K&D » September 8th, 2005, 6:29 pm

i don't know why i'm telling you this but here's a story.

sunday i worked all day long reading about the 1980's (kinda depressing) anyways that night theres what we call a "hall event" its actually a group of halls that are getting together on the quad. (the college is a very small one, your probably imagining some well groomed quad, no this is small thing.) My friend, the R.A/psycology major, jen is the one, among others having the event. the event is called Smoredancing (i came up with the name) where we have smores and then theres a D.J and there is dancing.

we get there early to help Jen, eat a few smores, but things are really slow, not too many people showed up. the D.J wasn't there yet. heather and i start joking about drinking a little (knowing full and well, we have no booze) but then Geo tells us he has a little tequila. Heather and i are not into drinking the stuff in shots. we go and buy limeade. by the time we get back Jen has desided that she wants to get high. she was apprehensive about it before becausee of her responsabilities.

so Geo has two jays and we pack into my car, all seven of us. we were worried it wasn't going to be enough but it did the trick. we get back and the d.j has set up and there are tons of people dancing, ,and we join them.

long story short i got this kind of socially akward, but very adorabble new kid i've never met before to dance and talk a while with me. now i've been trying to see if he's intrested and its kind of hard cause he's so socially akward.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 8th, 2005, 9:05 pm

glad to hear you had some fun. I blew that avatar up and dam you are a cat, you even got whiskers... I
hope he is cool, adorable? Is he adorable as ratbag?
Now there is a cute guy for you
pity he is about 15,000 miles away.
whatever happens it will be good,
I hope he don't break your heart, but broken hearts are good too, better than feeling nothing.
I should not be writting now, cause i am just making chit chat. nothing to say.
Went to a peace vigil today. three of us standing on a corner holding carboard signs, mine said peace, next week I think I will make my own sign, it will say Sardines.
Little park right down town san antonio

interesting people, one woman wandering around and around. crazy i am sure, we recognized each other immediately. I sat there waiting for someone to show up, writing a reply to hester's roman numeral poem, maybe I will post ti sometime. going to take a break for a while. see ya

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Post by K&D » September 9th, 2005, 1:03 am

were at trailer park, you can chit chat here.

my dad lives in San Antonio.

havent heard of any drunk freshman coming back from zozobra, thats good i guess. been watching movies. watched Animal House and now were on Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the remake with donald sutherland. we watched the grateful dead movie, or atleast i did.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 9th, 2005, 4:58 am

Yes you told me that your dad lives here, I remember.

The God's Must Be Crazy. I have only seen the first one. Worth a see I think.

Ten four on scooter's board. I know nothing about scooter except he was the last one I expected to hear a kind word from...when I was burning in litkick hell he poured a little cool water on me.

Speaking of freshman I am seriously thinking about taking a course in fresman English next semester. Have you noticed I can not punctuate?


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Post by K&D » September 9th, 2005, 11:22 am

no i haven't noticed. if your going to take a feshman course why not take it in something a little bit more intresting?

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Post by stilltrucking » September 11th, 2005, 8:22 pm

clueless sparky, something has got to be wrong. No body seems to get me. You say you get me fifty percent, I am honored, but I keep going over the same shit with people here, I know they are intleigent but they hardly ever get me. FOr example your comment about the left becomes right.

Say you stumble on a web page that is really down on Bush, the guy is just nailing it, saying everthing you know is true, you find yourself agreeing with him one hundred ninety percent. Instead of just copy and paste you decide to click around on the guys website and then your jaw drops at what else he has to say. About Jews for example. The guy is a fascist who happens to hate bush,

I just can't seem to make an arguement for a little scholarship. I suppose that is what I am a frustrated wantabe scholar, twelve years of college cause I could not decide on a major.

Do you throw the baby out with the bath water? Just because the guy is a hard nosed anti-semite does that mean i shouldn't pay attention to what else he is saying. What do ya think? Should i explain more, do you see what i am trying to say. I just don't know sparky.

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Post by K&D » September 12th, 2005, 1:20 am

what the fuck are you talking about old man?

i have no clue why you are mad, what don't i get, when did i judge you, if it were me personally i would have chosen a different class to take something more that what this is about? the fact i said why not take something more intresting.

Cody doesn't like me, and for the first time since middle school, i feel that loss that you feel when you realize the feeling is not mutual. sorry i just thought i'd tell you, i know its not connected to your being mad, but you know us youngens we never listen! :lol:

on your subject though its like reading Into The Darkness. the guy was a racist, or what about that female film maker who made the Nazi films or D.W Griffith with Birth of a Nation, the answer is you listen to them even if they are rough around the edges. when did i ever say i wasn't going to listen to you or something...i don't know what sparked the argument.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 12th, 2005, 5:19 am

No sparky not you, me I am clueless about English. If I could punctuate and get things like tenses and sentence fragments right I think I would be a lot more easier to understand.

What the hell is an intransitive verb anyway? I know it is boring I just need to pick up some skills.

The Triumph Of The Will, haunting. The woman who made it lived to be a hundred, well maybe 98, but pretty old. She had no regrets.

For me it does not get any darker than The Genealogy Of Morals. Take a good look at ourselves.

I had the typical liberal Jews belief that we were making progress in racial equality. New Orleans showed me where we ain't.

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Post by K&D » September 12th, 2005, 11:27 am

no kidding about new orleans.

i don't beleive in Morals. that also implys something bigger then myself. i'm an egotistical pain in the ass i don't beleive in anything bigger then myself. 8)

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Post by stilltrucking » September 12th, 2005, 9:32 pm

Working on a reply to your "materialist" post to my Do you have a soul string. I am a materialist too, but that don't explain that much. Kind of a shallow answer. Thinking about Einsten's thought experiments, he did not have cyclotrons, particle excellorators, bubble chambers. Just a pad and pencil. Freud did not have cat scans or nuclear magnetic resonance machines. Just working off the top of his head and peering into that dark sea within. He proposed a topography of the conscious mind riding or floating on the cerebral cortex, but I believe our minds run deep, that they encapsolate phylogeny. Down below our cortex is a reptile brain too. I think of the soul as a metophor for all that goes on below what we are aware of. I think that is what attracts me to zenn, it is not spiritual at all. But I really don't know jacksh*t about it so enough about that. I also think of my soul as feminine, up to a point the embryology of the sexes is pretty ambigous, we all start out as females until at a certain point in the womb the testosterone kicks in and some of us go on to become adorable boys. Just my theory, my conspiracy theory. My embryology is circa 1960 so it is probably all wrong. Going to try to make this gibberish into a post and get back to you on the Do you have a soul string.

"we know that at some time there were these two hot lumps and for some reaston at some point they came together to form the central heating system, the sun" cosmology according to Firesign Theatre quoted from memory. So what are you taking this semester?

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Post by K&D » September 13th, 2005, 1:40 am

i was taking cosmology, but the teacher sucked and it was really bringing me down so i droped it.
i'm taking intro to production
i'm taking history of world cinema
Intro to Masssage
1980's regan revolution
and my favorite so far intro to political science, even though last year i took two 400 level poli sci classes, it fufills a req and they don't mind me going backwards so i did. taught by a great proff.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 13th, 2005, 11:26 am

1980's regan revolution
jesus h christ I don't think I could deal wth that one.

history of world cinema sounds real good

I took a political science course. the instrctor kept going on about our national debt how we were on the road to ruin. That was in 1961. Our national debt was a pittance compard to now. But our proff was pretty neurotic. Always going on and on about it. A great proff is bliss.

Intro to massage, good choice I think. Got to help with the stress of college?

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Post by K&D » September 14th, 2005, 2:20 am

i am the worse massager of my friends (we all desided to take it together, me i'm not a very physically affectionate person, probably would not have choscen it if up to my own will..but whatever, it allows me to feel like i can touch people without having to worry about whether i should or not)

intro to poli sci...the teacher is really into political philosophy which i prefere over political SCIENCE.

regan revolution, is a bit depressing but it really gets me fired up and the teacher for that class is pretty awesome too.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 14th, 2005, 9:17 am

i can touch people without having to worry about whether i should or not)
Not to change the subject but I have a neighbor I call Glynda because when I first moved into my shack her little crib across the way looked like Oz. All the buildings drab beige siding and cat shit brown trim. Her place was blazing with color, Flowers, hanging green plants, cactus, small trees in pots. It was so beautiful I figured this would be a cool place to live. It has been for almost two years now. Afterer whe had said polite hello and howdy to each other for about a year we began to talk. She told me her tales of woe about men, two ex husbands (both truck drivers) her dieing parents, her bitch mother in law. I felt the urge to reach out and touch her arm. But something constrained me. It seemed like I would be invading her space. Yeah I have to over come a lot of resistance before I can touch someone I don' really well, someone who is not a relative or a friend of many years.

The eighties were a blur for me. I always have been a rolling stone, but in the eighties I was a ballistic stone. Started out in Baltimore and ended up in San Antonio. A lot of homes and jobs along the way. I can hardly remember them. They were dark years for me. Speaking of politics I always liked Bismark 's comment about politics... "Believe nothing until you hear the first denial." Regan gave me the He B G Bee's and Nancy more so. Remember that woman who was his astrologer? No I guess you don't. But anyway Nancy was into a lot of mumbo jumbo weird new age mysticism. They say Regan made political decisions base on astrology. He was a great inspiration to Osama Bin Laden. Osama said that when Regan sent the marines into Lebanon and about two hundred were killed in a bombing and then Regan pulled them out real quick, he thought wow look at that, we can make them cut and run. Something like that.

Anyway that red text is one screwed up sentence. Going to fiddle with it throw in some punctuation here and there.

Sorry for the rant. Did you all talk about the bombing in Lebanon after Regan sent the marines in and pulled them out real quick? How far off the mark am I? I think Grenada was the PR campaign designed to prop up support for our invinceable military after that fiasco.

oh god I must sound so stupid, I should not talk about politics.

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