Cut, Paste and ramble

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Cut, Paste and ramble

Post by stilltrucking » July 15th, 2005, 2:48 pm


Democratic precinct workers pushed calliopes which played "Bye Bye Blackbird" through white neighborhoods. And they distributed handbills which pictured a trainload of southern blacks ready to head for Chicago, "but only", the caption read, "if Thompson is elected."
De Valois founds her school.
Ashton choreographs his 1st ballet.
Martha Graham's 1st solo performance.
Mary Wigman opens a school in Dresden

Bye Bye Blackbird popular song.
F Lang's movie Metropolis

British General Strike.
Fascist youth organized in Germany and Italy.
1st 16mm film produced by Kodak.

1) “Bye-Bye Blackbird,” a popular tune of 1920’s rewritten to demoralize the Commonwealth war effort and undermine Churchill’s war leadership in mid February 1942, also commentary from the British traitor William Joyce, Lord Haw-Haw. 2) “Japanese Sandman,” an old 20’s standard twisted to taunt the British and Americans regarding the loss of East Asian colonies and territories to Japan in early 1942, also the a report of the fall of Hong Kong and fighting in Singapore by the German Radio Service news in English. 3)”You Started Something,” a popular tune of 1941 rewritten August 1942 to exalt the German repulse of the Ango-Canadian raid at Dieppe and the Axis advances in the Caucasus. Also more treasonous commentary from Lord Haw-Haw regarding the fall of France in 1940, Churchill’s steadfast refusal of the German peace offering and a threat of imminent invasion of the British Isles ... fs3-sounds

Swing Tanzen Verboten!: Swing Music and Nazi Propaganda ... ce&s=music

wow a mp3 on here of Nazi propaganda versions
Called Bye Bye Blackbird, but the song goes
Bye Bye Empire
Charlie... with his orchestra, singing with German accent

Bye Bye Blackbird,, she was sixteen the year that song came out, I heard that song a lot when I as growing up a generation later.
all swing and big band years for me, no rock and roll on Baltimore radio until the early fifties.

coming soon I am working on mp3 of me singing jitterbug's vesion of How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

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