someway ~ somehow

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someway ~ somehow

Post by keithalanhamilton » May 1st, 2011, 7:44 am

the water will rise from global heating
revealing the womb of our evolution
turning its tide against us ~ the earth system
has a so-called tipping point ~
not unlike the Leaning Tower of PIZA
in spite of what we do ~ or try
the foundational pattern stabilizing the climate
will change ~ no longer staying the way it is
or go back to the way we want it to be
this rising of seas will force humanity
to migrate inland as the many birds of the air
have done so regularly for centuries
a learned migration ~ caused by a change of season
the humankind though ~ unlike the bird
can’t so easily relocate ~ ‘cause of being attached
to a home with family and many possessions
but will learn through adaption to seek out
dry land not overrun by the persistent waters
and yet ~ before the time for such a happening
we humans ~ humbly must admit our ignorance
about how the great earth system works
come to accept that living green ~ planting trees
reducing our carbon footprint ~ blaming ourselves
is not enough ~ even if motivated by noble intentions
we won’t be able to reverse nature’s fervent march
acting as if some military brigade of old
drumming out the beat of its advancement
one step after another ~ pushing straight ahead
for an unalterable climax called climate change
therefore ~ despite such a grim prognosis
humanity must prepare to adapt to the onslaught
focus wholeheartedly on the most pertinent things
intelligently plan ahead ~ invoke the human spirit
respond accordingly and appropriately to the threat
so the human race ~ our children’s children
as in the past and hopefully into the future
shall go on ~ grow up and then prosper
continue to survive ~ someway ~ somehow

~Keith Alan Hamilton~ ... 7625344273

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Re: someway ~ somehow

Post by Arcadia » May 1st, 2011, 9:50 am

gracias for the fast waters reminder, keith...! :)

Posts: 215
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Re: someway ~ somehow

Post by keithalanhamilton » May 1st, 2011, 10:02 am

you are welcome.....I think way, way to much....

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Re: someway ~ somehow

Post by saw » May 3rd, 2011, 6:57 am

climate change cannot simply be ignored....we can debate the causes til the cows come home, but it's underway....the polar ice caps are melting.....the likelihood of coastal towns flooding is not make a good point, it will be up to the determination of the people to see it through, to figure out solutions

one climate theorist believes those that will survive will have orchestrated settlements that have prepared in a multitude of ways to continue the species,
sounds pretty grim, but he estimates 5 billion people will die from starvation, pestilence, and disease.....the final billion will be in 5 settlements in a good climate for growing food...which is hard to get to...interesting prediction....

corporations at this point show no signs of changing the ways they pollute the it's up to us.....
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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