when the bouganvilla stops blooming its time/revised

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when the bouganvilla stops blooming its time/revised

Post by Kailashana » August 27th, 2011, 9:31 am

when the bouganvilla stops blooming its time

If you can't stand a good religious rant
get the fuck off my page and join
bible-thumpers anonymous; I'm
not just talking about the Christian Book
of dogma and apostolic revision, give
me an eagle's feather, free me from the
object of your persecution, your procession
is a historical list of hate after hate.

Why are we forging another Golden Calf when the price
is too high...in any guise it's still the raging bull of Capitalism;
and why would you destroy a people living on your promised
land and call it your God-given right? Did you forget God
has no religion?

If you believe in a Supreme Being that will come
down from the clouds in a blazing chariot with fire
in his eyes, if you believe he'll materialize
from another dimension and look a lot like Jesus
with waves in his sandy hair and piercing blue eyes,
nail holes in his hands,
just listen to yourself think.

This world is just plain fucked up, and if we don't do
something together soon, get rid of the God we have
created and misread throughout the ages, bear our own
fruits now, before it's too late,
deal with the likelihood
there's no pearly gates guarded by saints or seventy-two virgins
for the ultimate fucking pleasure, no hell fires
below beckoning with a crooked smirk and goat's feet.

If life isn't sacred now, what could any afterlife
or before life actually mean? And to whom? Why would
the soul keep coming back to make more promises it has
no intentions of keeping?
There's nothing but the apples of an honest smile in every
child's face, no matter the race, colour or ancestry,
sex or limitation. There is no creative design if it lacks
social integration. It's not about location location location,
the earth is just a blue dot between nowhere and here in the
cosmic scheme of things.

Come and watch the sunset from wherever you are,
for we all die and we die alone.

If there is waiting to be done for a new birth,
the placenta has already died.

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/26/opini ... l?src=recg

There are 3 Abrahamic religions. As a pro-Palestinian, I am not an anti-Israeli....
Last edited by Kailashana on September 8th, 2011, 7:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: when the bouganvilla stops blooming its time

Post by Mary66 » August 27th, 2011, 1:48 pm

I think this is controversial in content! But the Imagination in your poem here is fabulous! Nice work Kailashana..:-)
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Re: when the bouganvilla stops blooming its time

Post by saw » August 27th, 2011, 2:29 pm

aaah the bouganvilla, reminds me of the Keys.....a formidable skepticism is always healthy....and it's worth noting that there are extremists on every level, including atheism, which may sound harmless, but essentially anytime we are so sure we are on the side of right we license our self to eradicate all the sinners, all the impediments, anything in the way of our march towards utopia, based on our particular viewpoint....i like poems that provoke a deeper look, so I like this one.
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Re: when the bouganvilla stops blooming its time

Post by Perdida » August 27th, 2011, 8:46 pm

here's no pearly gates guarded by saints or seventy-two virgins
for the ultimate fucking pleasure, no hell fires
below beckoning with a crooked smirk and goat's feet.
tooo goood! and loved it all. :)
The path to true love isn't always straight.


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