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school yard bully's interpretation of nursery rhymes

Posted: September 11th, 2016, 7:46 am
by sweetwater
the kindergarten teacher
instructed so and so (the bully)

to sell pills
to other classmates
in the school yard


jack and jill
went up the hill

to meet in clandestine places
so not to see jack take a pee

and spend the recess and the afternoon


the homework did not get done
failing schooling and dropping out

not succeeding the medical degree
or to say university

and finding a higher education elsewhere
through many variations

Re: school yard bully's interpretation of nursery rhymes

Posted: September 11th, 2016, 10:22 am
by Grinch
Nice poem

Reminded me of an old scribble:

Jack and Jill went off to school,
they learned to use narcotics.
Jack got shot and Jill was raped.
The principal played politics.

"It's terrorism plain and true",
he said in condemnation,
"Lets segregate the blacks from whites
and bomb the Muslim nation"

"Let's arm the staff and students
with some Glocks and M16s,
to defend our rights and freedoms
and protect our precious teens".

Now I'm no expert in nurseries
or rhymes, nor reasons fervour
but I think the thing we need right now
is less vinegar more brown paper.