nothing makes sense

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nothing makes sense

Post by revolutionR » March 6th, 2017, 5:47 pm

nothing I say makes sense
let's get that out in the open
because nothing we hear about what
is going on in this world, makes any sense
real news fake news whatever news
none of it makes sense, well we have been
spoon fed lies for so long, that what is suppose
to be significant, like what matters to us
what we need to know that live our lives by
like natural law, universal, golden rule
all that jazz, when it is placed up against
what those whom are suppose to be leaders
seem to have lost any sense of
in this situation that we find ourselves in
in this day and age, we are bombarded with media
that obviously seeks to keep us uninformed
and confused

that is a poet to do in the middle of all this chaos
the more I try to make some sense the less I make
but then I am not trying to be objective
poetry, it's potency is in its subjective quality
because all those people that we have looked to
to make objective sense have failed miserably
how else did we arrive at this juncture of total insanity
we can quote famous people until we are purple in the face

when I first was writing poetry I read philosophers
to help me to learn how to think, to listen to language
when it is spoken by the best thinkers, listen to words
used in well constructed thought so as to be able
to recognize when something has been well expressed

so that is why so much distortion and confusion in pumped
into the world by the powers that should not be
it has become more difficult then ever to read a philosopher
what do you think about when you read Nietzsche say
beyond good and evil, do you think it is a struggle
between what is good and what is evil, do you
know the difference, can you imagine what is
beyond duality, so we are confused
not just because of contending forces
because we are feed constant fake information
by the evil empire that is falling on its own sword

I'm not trying to sound political I'm trying to be poetic
but it is hard to sound poetic even if you just write
poetry without speaking about what is going on
in this world, everyday the discourse gets more insane
did the philosophers of the last century see this coming
did they think their well thought out arguments
would prepare us for this, well one thing is sure
nothing is as it seems, at least not on the surface

like what do you know that is going on in Tibet
do you think the Buddha and Jesus are alike
why does Buddhist teaching seem more like zen
oh, that's because it is zen, so why is poetry
more like zen, then say sounding like some
hell fire preacher, or maybe a little heat
in the poem is good, am I making any sense yet

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