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Posted: May 1st, 2017, 3:47 am
by dadio
Anne sit still
so the leg
can be fitted
the nun said.

I sat still
as I could
on the chair
in the medical room
of the home.

The doctor
fitted the leg
to my stump.

I didn't like it
it looked ugly
I wanted
my old leg back
not this contraption.

There now
stand on it
the doctor said
pleased with himself.

I held onto
the chair back
and stood up
on the artificial leg
and moved it.

It feels like
a ton weight
I said.

You'll get used
to that
he said
walk around.

I walked
as best I could
it felt unusual
like I was carrying
a passenger.

What do you think?
the nun said.

I said nothing
and walked around
the room
both of them
watching me.

It was hard work
I had to remember
to lift the leg each time.

You've got the knack
the quack said.

No need for your
crutch any more
the nun said.

A stick maybe at first
the quack said
just to steady maybe.

I sighed
it will do I guess
I said
not as good
as my own fucking leg.

Language Anne
the nun said
pulling a face
of disapproval.

Walk slower at first
the quack said
ignoring my language.

I slowed down.

You will have to
make sure you
do not rub the stump
he said.

The nun stood there
gawking like a magpie.

I want to go outside
and try it
I said.

Be careful
the quack said.

The magpie
stared at me.

I walked out
of the medical room
and along the passage.

I walked past
other kids
who stared at me
and out through
the French window
out on the lawn.

fresh air
I said.

The Kid
was standing
by the first table
how is it?
he said.

Feels odd
but at least
I can walk
without the fecking crutch
I said.

We walked
down the lawn
to our table
and I sat
in a white metal chair
and wished the fuck
the leg wasn't there.

Re: ANNE'S NEW LEG 1959.

Posted: May 2nd, 2017, 10:32 am
by saw
"you've got the knack
the quack said "..........yes, having had a body part removed last summer myself, I can totally relate to Anne's feelings and expressions.


Re: ANNE'S NEW LEG 1959.

Posted: May 3rd, 2017, 12:08 pm
by dadio
Sorry about that Saw. I met Anne in 1959 at a nursing home. 8)