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The Roundscape (part 6)

Posted: May 1st, 2017, 4:40 am
by mnaz
I head back into the roundscape,
up the far side of Death Valley, long canyon
to a rounded valley, can't tell up from down.
A burro watches, no longer ridden by a jackass
but still on the same timeless wander.

How high am I on a roundscape between peaks?
How high am I in space that curves due to mass?
How high are billions of chakras rising up spines?
How high are stock prices on tickers beamed from
the center of the universe of careening vectors?

The valley curves slowly, but the curve
shoots up madly at the end, a spine of rock.
But expanding cosmos is already in my face.
Even twinkle takes millions of years to cross,
and this desert garden right in the middle.

Re: The Roundscape (part 6)

Posted: May 1st, 2017, 1:18 pm
by cmoore
Very nice, my dad took my mom and me to Death Valley a couple times
it really had a profound effect on me something really special
about that place.

Re: The Roundscape (part 6)

Posted: May 1st, 2017, 2:34 pm
by mnaz
Thanks. I "extracted" this from prose-- it's pretty good, maybe held back a little in parts by lack of context/continuity. The original is themes of desert "elevation tricks" (illusions, etc.) and even a couple of McKenna novelty theory riffs here and there weaved in-- "curves shooting up steeply at the end," etc... Death Valley's an amazing visual/spatial trip.

Striped Butte Valley and Mengel Pass are the places referred to. Manson's last hideout is a few miles below the pass...

Re: The Roundscape (part 6)

Posted: May 1st, 2017, 6:59 pm
by cmoore
And thanks for that,your desert descriptions are very unique, and how you see Terence's insight
somehow moving through that, "novelty theory" or "concrescence". I recall the first time I heard Terence was on a local radio station. I was very blown away, I really liked his way of mixing different philosophers and thinkers, writers into his talks. I had a dream about Terence the night before he died. I spent many hours listening to him, and I read his books.

Re: The Roundscape (part 6)

Posted: May 1st, 2017, 11:51 pm
by justwalt
Rub it in...
always enjoy
your vision

Re: The Roundscape (part 6)

Posted: May 2nd, 2017, 1:28 am
by mtmynd
good read, Mark. well done!

Re: The Roundscape (part 6)

Posted: May 2nd, 2017, 10:25 am
by saw
how high indeed.......there is a powerful centering that comes in places like taking LSD back in the day...we got a better perspective of who we are...but this is the natural way...