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if it isn't good for every one it isn't good

Posted: May 31st, 2017, 6:54 pm
by cmoore
good is good, cool is cool
what about that isn't true
poetry is no joke,

the high evolved beings
speak in poetic symbolic language
like the zen monks
using koans, to illustrate
the mind stuff
which in a moment of enlightenment
cuts through faulty thinking

poetry is a lot like the shotgun approach
or it is sparse and stark
a lot of the Beat poet experience
is coming from the unique American
perspective, that was unfolding
in the fifties,

the unique voice of the Beat writer
that like Jack Kerouac mixed zen with jazz
with his catholic boy outlook
which brought that on the road exuberance
which the dull gray fifties needed
a kick in the pants

Burroughs saw writing as magical
his cut up technique was like Dada
or like the surrealist's automatic writing
or like Ginsberg said first word best word

the Beat poets came out of the first years
of television, but back then TV's were made
of tubes, so they did not seem so evil
the TV shows were mostly friendly
so Beatniks seemed cool, in any case poets
were more potent, because people still read
books, having a copy of Howl in your back
pocket was very cool

Re: if it isn't good for every one it isn't good

Posted: June 2nd, 2017, 3:21 am
by dadio
Spot on, Reading Burroughs again. 8)