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Posted: November 13th, 2018, 10:22 am
by Terri
I've named all the flies around here Frank.
You don't tend to swat someone once he's Frank
It's just not done
SMACK-O with the swatter
and there's Frank's guts
all over the kitchen counter. No.

I kind of think of him as an affectionate flying dog now -
oh there's Frank,
fzzzzing around the end of my nose
interested in my sandwich

screw you Frank, it's mine
go away
but I doubt he will.

I'm not quite sure
where to go next
but I think all the fruit flies
are named Margaret.

Re: frankly

Posted: November 13th, 2018, 11:51 am
by sasha
love the whimsy in this! Seems to characterize a lot of your output - love it

Re: frankly

Posted: November 13th, 2018, 1:24 pm
by mnaz
I started off calling them Buzz (of course), and then Bob, even Tim sometimes. And Margaret? That's good. Very fruit fly-ish.

Re: frankly

Posted: November 13th, 2018, 11:09 pm
by judih
say No to Frank's guts
margaret is rather flighty these days
slugs are all abner

Re: frankly

Posted: November 14th, 2018, 12:50 am
by MrGuilty
my blue light zapper
I cleaned around it today
been eight months
since the last time
As I looked at all the dead bbbbbbbbugs
I thought of Verdun

thanks for the poem terri 8)
I loved it too

Re: frankly

Posted: November 14th, 2018, 5:16 am
by MrGuilty
that is so gross I am sorry
my sense of humor is mordant
so is my housekeeping :oops:
— lizards are Larry

Re: frankly

Posted: November 14th, 2018, 9:36 am
by saw
I do that with the first mouse of the season
give him a name and talk to him as if he were a pet
but as the family may grow ( not always)...well, I lose favor with my neighbors
and have a bag of snap traps in the pantry for such events
I can coexist to a point, but then as it has gone for the last 43 years
I come to like my privacy better than little droppings on the counter-top and so
my furry friends must reincarnate....I treat them like names
each season...first up this winter is Roscoe

Re: frankly

Posted: November 14th, 2018, 10:17 am
by sasha
I've named appliances. My first computer (a smokin' 33 MHz 486 with 250 MB hard drive!) was ol' Sylvia... and my beloved 1988 Toyota Tercel (may she rest in peace) was La Toya - La Toya Toyota......

Re: frankly

Posted: November 14th, 2018, 8:26 pm
by Terri
I love all the comments
abners tims and roscoes
and verdun.

steve! just get an old cracked aquarium at the thrift store
put a cracker with peanut butter in the bottom
mices get in and can't get out and then you can go dump them on your neighbor's lawn
if you count the number you get rid of it's probably about the same

my best mouse encounter - after this i just couldn't kill them
i flung open the pantry door
the mouse in there and i both jumped in the air and screamed at the same time
i could see his little horrified face
i was always a softy but that cemented it

Re: frankly

Posted: November 18th, 2018, 4:32 am
by creativesoul
I had a father that named his cars after native Americans” Geronimo “
I took to it myself” Bessie” was a 58 hunter green Cadillac
After that I had seven buffalo
Starting with Ben and jerry and mamasita

Sundance: primo - Jess and Michael

I have a personal war with bugs- I am absolutely against centipede s and feel nothing but murderous feelings when I see them
Flies- zero compassion
I would fail at that diligent Buddhists that do not want to “ cause harm”
And walk slowly
With a broom to warn the flies

They have a point
But the writing was great - I mean it was like I was there with you
“Guts on the counter etc”
So real
Life and death
So common
No mystery

I have become friends with vinegar
I just detest those insects
So they clean up nasty stuff
I have so much poison to kill bugs
The cockroaches come inside( rarely
And roll on there backs and die
I love to watch a cockroach die
It is beautiful

Re: frankly

Posted: May 1st, 2021, 8:32 pm
by Doreen Peri
Reading Terri’s poetry. Reminiscing. It sure going to miss that girl!

Re: frankly

Posted: May 2nd, 2021, 8:14 am
by saw
yes Terri was a lovely human being
super bright and a wonderful artist to boot
it was a pleasure to become acquainted with her
and I am saddened at her sudden departure :(

Re: frankly

Posted: May 2nd, 2021, 10:31 am
by judih
and that cynical whimsy is so very helpful right now. Thanks, Terri as fly season begins once more. Frank season to those of us from Studio 8.