Dark As Solitude Can Be

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Dark As Solitude Can Be

Post by theirishsea » July 28th, 2019, 10:10 am

Dark as solitude can be
But there are stars
Faint yet visible
Certainly others that you believe are there
Only too much illumination tricks the eye
The faint universe vanishes
Light slaps you awake
Albeit gently
Like an interrogator
Half-rough, half-gentle
A Russian spy trained to extract
But a woman nonetheless
Cold charms charms nonetheless
And so just like that
Bright light
Too much thinking
Too much desire, emotion, regret
And yes guilt
For what you did and failed to do
Namely everything
In an accusing ruptured universe
The delicate wider perspective lost
In the inferior instrument of the eye
Which has its own screen
Its own projector
A script already written
By the past
And presented to you
The new audience
Of immediate here and now
You knock on wood
And you are the chosen one
To carry on the mundane lies
Of a universe hidden in the details
Night sky
Thoughts reflect what you see
But how do you interpret the mystery
You rather not but you wake from dreams
That Russian and her throaty voice
Keeps enticing, threatening
Your visions are memories
She throws a light into your eyes
The stars are burned out of heaven
You become an unwitting dupe
Of a world that is self-defining
But it is not your earth
Yours is so remote
A pinprick that bleeds insatiable hunger
For love
Not power
Not wealth
Not anything that tastes so
The Irish Sea Is Always In Turmoil, Even When Calm.

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Re: Dark As Solitude Can Be

Post by mtmynd » July 28th, 2019, 4:14 pm

theirishsea wrote:
July 28th, 2019, 10:10 am
Of a world that is self-defining
But it is not your earth
Yours is so remote
A pinprick that bleeds insatiable hunger
For love
Not power
Not wealth
Not anything that tastes so
A fine write from beginning to end, where I stopped and reread that world self-defining,
up thru the end, again... I know I read a powerful piece. Well executed!
Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

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Re: Dark As Solitude Can Be

Post by saw » July 31st, 2019, 9:04 am

humans can be harsh.....with their criticism
especially of the Self.....and free will gets too much attention
as if, we are less of a person for not making all the perfect choices
to be human, is to err, so it was said...and he was right
we are bombarded from birth with images, with adages
with lists of do's and don't's .....the correct path illuminated
and in the end we find out that no one is without regrets, sorrow
guilt over this or that......and so the choice becomes
can I forgive....others......but most importantly.....myself....
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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