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*228 Words (untitled)*

Posted: August 2nd, 2022, 9:18 am
by mtmynd
  • 228 Words (untitled)

a steed upon the pastures of tranquility running mightily towards the arcing sun setting once again as it has done since the pasture's grasses gave birth to the decadence of mammalian existence born of evolving masses whose lives are given freely towards the passage of consciousness from one life formed after another, ad infinitum, in a display of mystery that defies the logic and reasoning the mind has bestowed upon thought but yet triggers the amazement and awe to which we generously consume as nourishment to aid in our understanding and acceptance of that which we know is real but which defies all answers making processes within run double time, overtime and timeless time outs scored like games duplicating fragments of living within which we allow ourselves the time to play as does the steed at speed with the need to participate in this endless wonder we can only surrender to with grace and trust of being such as all life has done and shall do in the continuing birth, growth and death mantras heard throughout the universe as a singular prayer - the wholly AUM from which even nothingness arose in a sacramental acceptance of ONE, sensing godliness of unity as a delicate dance in a hypnotic swirl of life alive for living, knowing, understanding and becoming the ultimate mystery that comforts with bliss.

Cecil B. Lee

Re: *228 Words (untitled)*

Posted: August 3rd, 2022, 3:10 am
by creativesoul

Re: *228 Words (untitled)*

Posted: August 4th, 2022, 9:15 am
by saw
fast moving stream of consciousness
never slowing down from start to finish, times the best way to express yourself....
no calculation, sans the careful construction
swept up in the current, from mind to keyboard

Re: *228 Words (untitled)*

Posted: August 4th, 2022, 12:18 pm
by mnaz
Few "answers" are forthcoming, and they all lead to more questions.

Re: *228 Words (untitled)*

Posted: August 4th, 2022, 3:35 pm
by sasha
I had a girlfriend who was really good at this kind of stream of consciousness writing. She encouraged me to try it, but I never got the hang of it.

Re: *228 Words (untitled)*

Posted: August 5th, 2022, 2:43 pm
by mtmynd
sasha wrote:
August 4th, 2022, 3:35 pm
I had a girlfriend who was really good at this kind of stream of consciousness writing. She encouraged me to try it, but I never got the hang of it.
I've been able to do SOC only a very few times... and a few losers, i.e. sensless babbling. ;)
Thanks all ... appreciated!