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Palin and Guinevere

Posted: September 14th, 2008, 4:49 pm
by Lightning Rod

Palin and Guinevere
for release 09-14-08
Dallas, Texas
by Lightning Rod

When I ran for Student Council in high school, there were more registered voters in my school than there were is Wasilla, Alaska when Sarah Palin ran for mayor. I got more votes than she did and I lost the election.

I have many children too, four by blood and several more by adoption of the heart. This is nice and heartwarming but it doesn't qualify me to be vice-president and potentially president of the United States.

When the glamour of the Palin nomination wears off, we will have to ask ourselves this question: "Do we want a hockey mom as leader of our country?" My answer is terse. No.

I love hockey moms and stage moms and soccer moms and all kinds of moms. They are the backbone of our culture. But being a 'working mom' is not a qualification for public office. When was the last time you heard the term 'working dad?'

The issue in the case of Palin is not gender, it's ability and experience. Soon the honeymoon will be over and the press, hopefully, will start asking the important questions. What does she know about national and international political affairs? How does a hockey mom deal with a career politician like V. Putin face to face? It would be like June Cleaver facing down Count Dracula.

Then there is the matter of religious beliefs. This shouldn't matter in the choice of a leader, but it does. For all of our high flown ideals about separation of church and state, we all know that it is an illusion. We try to keep it out of the mechanisms of government but in reality, religion and philosophy play an important part in the way we think about the world and how we select our leaders. Do you want to trust your future to a person who believes that the earth is 6000 years old?

Do we want to entrust our energy future to a person who thinks that we can drill our way out of this nightmare (especially if the drilling is in her state)? Do you want to entrust your personal rights to someone who believes that you don't have custody of your own body?

As soon as we get past the Arthur and Guinevere stage of this political romance, we will realize that this isn't Camelot, In the real world, you don't want a hockey mom as your president, no matter how attractive and motherly she is. It's nice in a Jimmy Stewart or an Eddie Murphy or Robin Williams movie, but the economy, civil rights, international relations and energy policy are not heartwarming subjects nor comedy and they are not issues that can be managed by an amateur or a hockey mom.

The Poet's Eye would rather see Sarah Palin in a sit-com (portrayed by Tina Fey of course) than as the president of our country.

Oh, they found Guenevere
With her bold cavalier
And as swords rang through the hall
Lance escaped them, one and all

On a day dark and drear
Came to trial Guenevere
Ruled the jury for her shame
She be sentenced to the flame
---Camelot, Jay Lerner

Posted: September 15th, 2008, 3:25 am
by roxybeast
Tina Fey's portrayal of Palin on SNL was uncanny ... and frankly, I'd rather see Tina Fey as VP or President well before Sarah Palin's name came up, if ever.

The thought of Palin negotiating with the Russians is terrifying ...

... unless she brings a big hockey stick & knows how to use it ... & btw, what is the penalty for slashing in the International Foreign Policy League?


Posted: September 20th, 2008, 11:30 am
by izeveryboyin
Well Lrod, I almost completely agree with everything you said. I think you articulate everything you say with such skill that it is hard not to agree with you, but what is satire for if not to woo the masses to think your opinion is awesome? My problems arise, of course, when your misogynistic side rears it's ugly head. Now I'm no more a fan of Palin than Walt Monegan but I don't think her being a hockey mom should be any more an issue in her ability or otherwise to be vice president than the fact that Obama is a soccer dad. Speaking of dad, and I hope you don't think I'm trying to take a shot at you or anyone else for that matter, but I think we don't hear the term "working dad" because 99 times out of a hundred, when you look at cases of custody it's the mom who's got it, and not the dad. They go on living their lives, not having to worry about getting a babysitter, or how much the price of pampers has gone up because, to be very blunt, it's not their fucking problem. But of course, I am generalizing here, and far be it for me to attack you for generalizing when I'm doing it myself. So I'll save that tirade for later. I think the main problem with people who like Obama and bash Sarah Palin is that they use all the negative things said about him against her. She isn't ready to be president if it comes down to it. She doesn't have enough foreign policy experience. She was virtually unknown before so what doe we really know about her. And as far as her faith, I'm sorry to say you'd be hard-pressed to find a politician that doesn't have one, and it's usually christian-based. So, in theory, if the country is already run by a bunch of bible-toting totalitarians, what's one more? Look, I'm in no way shape or form in support of Palin. I think she's dimwitted, and I don't think she really knows what's she getting into. But not because she's a hockey mom, or a woman, but just because I've heard her speak. And once you hear that bullshit, it's sort of hard to take her seriously. Okay. I'm done. For now.


Posted: September 20th, 2008, 9:13 pm
by jimboloco
welll, some talking points that i can use to shockeroo some of the womens who i work with,a large number, most of whom think palin is an empty suit