Fuck Is Not Just a Word

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Fuck Is Not Just a Word

Post by Lightning Rod » January 30th, 2007, 12:56 pm


Fuck Is Not Just a Word

for release 01-30-07
Washington DC

There are all kinds of fucks. That's why it's such a wonderful activity and such a wonderful word.

I'll never forget the look on my grandmother's face when I asked her what it meant. I think I was about six. I had heard the term but I was still uncertain about the process. I was fairly sure that it was a verb. An active verb. It was something somebody did to somebody else, as in 'fuck you.'

But it was also something that people did together, as in 'they were fucking.' And the idiom, 'fuck me runnin'.' always baffled me.

I didn't know what it was exactly, but I knew when I saw the blood drain from my grandmother's face that fucking was something that was powerful and awesome and dangerous and terrifying. And not to be spoken of. She changed the subject.

That's not hard to do with me. Even as a six year old, I had no better attention span than I do today.

But eventually I learned about fucking in all it's many forms and variations. My grandmother's face had told me the truth. Fucking is powerful and awesome and dangerous and terrifying. Also beautiful and ugly and hollow and fulfilling and fun and no fun. It's giving and taking and making bargains.

You can fuck for love. You can fuck for money. You can fuck for power. You can fuck for spite. You can fuck just because you need to fuck. You can fuck for religion. You can fuck for dope. You can fuck for security and status.

Yes, there are all kinds of fucks. You can get fucked, you can fuck-off. You can wonder what the fuck. There's the tender fuck, the hard fuck and the easy fuck, the slow fuck, the quick fuck and just the right fuck. There's the cluster fuck, the front fuck and the back fuck and several variations of the upside-down fuck. You can fuck standing or laying or sitting. Legally or illegally. There's the motel fuck and the honeymoon fuck and the sneak-around fuck.

We have the pity fuck and the obligatory fuck and the straight fuck and the kinky fuck. We have fucks involving machinery, devices, animals and fantasies and minor children. We have the frantic teen-aged heart-beating fuck and the comfortable fuck of marriage. We have literal fucks and ones more figurative. We have the head fuck, which may not actually be a real fuck, but the Supreme Court is still out on that.

At some point I realized that the Universe was all about fucking. The North fucks the South, the positive fucks the negative, gravity fucks centrifugal force, matter fucks anti-matter, fire fucks air. water fucks fire, paper fucks rock, scissors fuck paper. Real life fucks romance. It's all in the natural course of things.

Fucking is where the rubber meets the road, where the yin meets the yang. Where red meets blue, where Republican meets Democrat. Fucking needs grease and friction. Fucking is where the forces come together. It's the eternal rub of existence. Fucking, like drama, needs conflict. Yes, it's powerful and awesome and dangerous and terrifying. As it should be.

If this is not true, then fuck me in The Poet's Eye.
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Fred Garza
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Post by Fred Garza » January 30th, 2007, 3:31 pm

But it was also something that people did together, as in 'they were fucking.' And the idiom, 'fuck me runnin'.' always baffled me.
If I fuck you right in the Poet's Eye, does that make you a "Fuck Face"? :lol:

You have brought back fond memories of my favorite book, my 1980 American Heritage College Dictionary. When I bought it as a required book my freshman year, I was amazed at all the different definitions of fuck it had in it. Many an enibriated night have been spent reading each definition and putting it in a sentence.

Here's hoping you haven't fucked up another opportunity to fuck the one you love...


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Post by Doreen Peri » January 30th, 2007, 3:32 pm

What the fuck?

Well, fuck it, I was gonna find an essay I wrote on the same topic a couple of years ago and post it as a reply but I can't fucking find it.


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Post by mtmynd » January 30th, 2007, 4:24 pm

fucking A...

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what south park has to say

Post by picasso » January 30th, 2007, 5:20 pm

Cartman: Don't call me fat, you fucking Jew!
Mr. Garrison: Eric, did you just say the F-word?
Cartman: Jew?
Kyle: No, he's talking about "fuck". You can't say "fuck" in school, you fucking fat ass!
Mr. Garrison: Kyle!
Cartman: Why the fuck not?
Mr. Garrison: Eric!
Stan: Dude, you just said "fuck" again!
Mr. Garrison: Stanley!
Kenny: Fuck!
Mr. Garrison: Kenny!
Cartman: What's the big deal? It doesn't hurt anybody. Fuck-fuckety-fuck-fuck-fuck.
Mr. Garrison: How would you like to go see the school counselor?
Cartman: How would you like to suck my balls?
Mr. Garrison: What did you say?
Cartman: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Actually, what I said was...
[picks up a megaphone]
Stan: Holy shit, dude.
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Post by Ric » January 30th, 2007, 7:51 pm

I don't think I saw "grudge". :shock: Oh, well, who gives a fuck? :roll:
Hoka Hey

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 30th, 2007, 8:23 pm


picasso cracked me up!

hehe :lol:

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Post by jimboloco » January 31st, 2007, 4:59 pm

what is the opposite of fucked up?
we all fucked up sometimes

i had a guy die in front of me yesterday
the ER triage fucked up
the docs fucked up
the nurses fucked up
we lost one

he soulda been sent to telemetry
and clued into emergency surgery for an abdominal aneurism
he never had health insurance
no checkups

Hillary fucked up when she voted for Bush's war powers into Iraq
in Florida 75, 000 of us fucked up when we voted for Nader in 2,000
instead of Gore, a Nobel Peace Prize winner
what the hell,
Jimmy Carter didn't get great until he retired, too.

so we gotta forgive, fuck it
we gotta forgive when there is some potential for growth and change,
like Hillary, man.
and as far as the neo-cons go, well
fuck'em an feed'em fish!

nobody's perfect
except for a perfect fuckup

at least she wants health insurance for everybody, fuckin-A

suck, fuck, piss, shit, cunt, cock, crap,
where is Lolita when we need her?

gimmie an F!Image

fuuuckkk!!! i gotta write a letter to the editor of the Times,
he says if we want to increase entitlement programs, we gotta raise taxes,
or take from other entitlemnent programs,
but the fucking Pentagon budget is where we gotta cut, yet nobody's got a fucking clue.

I told my wife I wanted to make whoopie with her. She wouldn't do it until I said that I was horney. I says, it's not just about being horney, honey. But she demurred, so I said, OK I'm horney, mercy. Ain't that the fucking truth! A little rosey glow on the cheeks!
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by buzztoerag » April 24th, 2007, 9:31 am

For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

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Post by Arcadia » April 24th, 2007, 3:11 pm

well, here we say jodete!. "Jodete" and "dejate de joder" are the most usual expressions. And yeah, sometimes we also use the word as an adjective: a situación jodida, un tipo jodido, etc.., but we don´t say "Joder!!" as a continous exabruptical exclamation, if we say that it would sound like (fucking) spanish for Spain.

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