Deadly Sins

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Deadly Sins

Post by Lightning Rod » March 13th, 2007, 1:41 pm

I would lie, but I'm too busy stealing

Deadly Sins
for release 03-13-07
Washington DC

I can handle pimps, whores, dope dealers, musicians, bookies, lawyers and other traders in petty vice. I can tolerate Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Envy, even Pride. What I can't abide are liars and thieves.

I'm too lazy to be a liar or a thief, or to tolerate them. These are sins that require much more energy than I care to devote to sin. I like the easy sins, the comfortable sins, the sins of human nature. I think Lust is my favorite, followed by Sloth. Theft and deceit require entirely too much work. You have to remember your lies and where you hid the merchandise. I have too much ADD for that.

I'm a traditionalist really, ok call me a conservative. I believe in old fashioned things, the simple things such as the Social Contract. I have to agree to a rule before I feel like obeying it.

This is the problem with representative government. A bureaucracy is merely a more inefficient and effective monarchy. I know this sounds like a contradiction, but bureaucracy is just an extravagant form of despotism. Both systems leave average citizens with the impression that rules and laws are being imposed on them from above without benefit of matrimony--the Social Contract. It feels like rape. They haven't agreed to these laws and regulations, they just have to obey them, submit to them.

Laws, like locks, are for honest people. A desperate and determined thief will always find his way around a lock, just as a desperate and determined terrorist will always find a weak point to exploit, a soft victim. So, no amount of laws and no amount of locks can protect you from the person who is committed to thwarting them. Those people haven't signed the Social Contract. They don't recognize a government that is "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." They haven't given their consent.

Sadly, liars and thieves run this world. Tell me that you don't feel the pickpocket's hand every time you park next to a gas pump. Lawyers and ad-men and politicians make their livings on lies. And the rest of us as well. Show me a resume or a tax return and I'll show you a lie. Lies come in all colors. We have the 'white lie.' You know, the one where your wife wakes up in the morning with a serious case of bed-head and you say, "you look lovely, my dear." or when you say, "we know that there are weapons of mass destruction," or, "we are only enriching uranium for peaceful purposes." Judging from history, these are forgivable sins. Little white lies. Some dare call it diplomacy.

Then we have the black lie, the lie that says, "I have your interests at heart and not my own." We all tell this lie in some form. Politicians tell it every day. This is what makes me uncomfortable: the liars are working for the thieves. The government is working for the corporations. It's an unholy alliance.

Halliburton is moving to Dubai. How convenient. No taxes on the 8 billion bucks that they have stolen from us. And the government (for the people....haha....will do nothing about it because Dick Cheney may have a pacemaker, but he's serious as a heart attack and he works for Halliburton because he has that 'blind trust' full of stock) The unholy alliance between liars and thieves.

The Poet's Eye winces when it sees
liars and thieves
liars and thieves.

Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no you cant disguise
(you cant disguise, no you cant disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
---Fleetwood Mac
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by firsty » March 13th, 2007, 2:44 pm

i think the reason i hate lies so much is because to lie is to expose some serious arrogance, and i really despise arrogance.

theft is the demonstration of a similar attitude towards others, which is the utter disrespect for one's person or property. to consider someone else's ownership to be so invaluable as to succumb to one's own greedy wants exposes another batch of serious arrogance.

and where does that smirk come from? that cheney/bush smirk? it comes from arrogance. they are the kinds of people who dont think twice about stealing or lying. no one's goals or opinions are valid even to the point of having a brief discussion about them. they have absolutely no respect for anyone but themselves and their friends and business partners.

this is some serious shit, this is some serious business, this is some kind of insecure glory-pandering, some kind of royal god complex.

justice would be to treat them the same way they have treated others - with an utter disregard for anything and everything they believe, feel and desire.

it's a good thing i'm not in the justice business.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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