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Ordinary Mind Zendo

Posted: May 7th, 2007, 11:29 am
by stilltrucking
Penelope's bed

And then, like the living tree that formed the bedpost of Odysseus's and Penelope's bed in the Odyssey, it will be a source of strength and steadfastness

Posted: May 11th, 2007, 3:51 pm
by jimboloco
well nobody ever gave me a koan
Once, when a monk asked Joshu, "What is the meaning of Bodhidharma's coming from the West?" he replied, "The oak tree in the garden." Traditionally, students have tried to answer this koan by becoming that oak tree. But that's all wrong. The oak tree - or Jane's redwood - must become us.

i mean no zen teacher
no "joshu" no "bodidharma" no "MU" no nada

i have done dokusan with three zen teachers
one told me to meditate with this sanctum
"taking in the breath, i recieve the gift of life"
"breathing out the breath, i give thanks for the gift of life"
stuck with me, but no satori
except when i can still breathe
and the crazy wisdom master dude bellowed at me,
and i basically told him i was beyond repair,
just need a conversion, not reform
but he was cool and friendly and spoke to me in friendly tones after that
and the last zen teacher just looked at me with a funny smile
until i trashed the dokusan room and left
so hey
commence tai chi
there's a shambhala meditation center in san antone
if i was there i would check it out

life itself is always encroaching on whatever self-contained world we try to set up and hold on to.
hope a tree grows up by your shack
but not in the middle of it\

jodoo beck everyday mind
just did a 30 credits review of cancer nursing
heavy smoke here from georgia wildfires
tropical depression in the gulfstream

not smoking pot
rattling my ghastly chains
got sopme bugler golds outside
it will make me sick but no need for the pot
except for to puke in.

i want clarity
and have got to get there
it's moulting tyme

Posted: May 18th, 2007, 5:10 am
by stilltrucking
“Soul sewn” to the universe

Union with God

I was not sure you understood me when I said Spinozas God is just okay with me. You come back with an allusion to a burning bush.

Sometimes I think enlightenment is kind of like putting a frog in a pot of water and slowly bringing it to a boil. Maybe that is why the Inquisition boiled so many people alive.
I can think of so many times when I thought I had Satori
i want clarity
and have got to get there
it's moulting tyme

I want to live forever
I look outside my window and see green grass,
and think about graves, open graves, then closed graves
Who lies under the grass?
I looked up today at a beautiful sky with scattered clouds
the feeling of being alive was so sweet so beautiful.
Why do I have to lie in the darkness and never see it again?

I still got that thing down in my lung, they called it a “dwiitzel” but it has not changed in the past year. Maryjane is good stuff, but my lungs can’t take it anymore. Smoking Merit Ultra Lights. I made a pack last three days cause they were stale and tasted bad. I tried American Spirit but they tasted too good. I went back to the Merits but they got a fresh supply and now they taste good too.

Kurt Vonnegut wanted to sue the tobacco companies because he was still alive after smoking for seventy years. He said that they had a defective product cause they did not kill him. He called smoking the american way of suicide.

four am
my foo dog is snoring
twenty seven years of solitude jimbo
and I finally got a friend. but the son of bitch is fourteen years old
I know he is going to break my heart any day now.
or me his.

What is the sound of one lip talking? :)

I bought a Tai Chi video for a dollar at the thrift store.
I might try and check it out jimbo i mean that center in Sanato
I am not looking for religion, I am not looking for enlightenment, I am not looking for god,
I would just like to keep on breathing for a while longer.

Maybe this is my satori jimboloco

I still got plenty left to loose.
I may live on until
I long for this time
In which I am so unhappy,
And remember it fondly.


Posted: May 9th, 2008, 8:10 pm
by jimboloco
now the meditative sanctum appears
with every breath