I can't begin to tell you how much I've thought about. It's all been a continuation just like your own journey. We mingle a bit at the intersection of 3rd Ave & Justin before we split up and continue our own journey. Perhaps that little meeting along the way inspired something within us to make the continuation a bit more focused that it had been. That happens.
But novels and movies... stories in general all have a beginning and an end. They have to have a beginning. Where else does a story begin? Starting at the point of conception is only good for a particular type of story, but it doesn't work for all stories. Unless the original concept of the story was conceived in a thought. Then that beginning may arguably have a .. well, a beginning. But any story has to have an ending... the conclusion. Fin. No mas. Completo. But that is not life as we live it. The only ending for our journey that began at our conception is when we take our final breath. The story of our life ends. All else within our journey are, at best, chapters. Some have so many experiences that they may even have volumes. But most of us have a few interesting chapters of life in a chapbook that may have some appeal to a family chronicler. Otherwise our personal lives are but bits of energy to hopefully contribute to the overall continuation of hu'manity's journey.
As writers we do our best, give it our best shot, to describe. We're describers. Key word: Scribe. A writer, like an artist that works in illustrative images, does nothing more that describe something in their lives that is important enough to spend the time putting this special something into words that describe clearly enough to substitute the actuality with what is being written, or painted, drawn.. even sculpted or danced, played on an instrument, etc.. Art; artist; describer of both the inner and the outer thru the chosen medium of the artist.
I began this with 'no beginning' after the primal conception within the womb. All else is a continuation of our journey. Artists, using this theory, are conceived. Their journeys until death may not reach their full potential, at least within this lifetime. The causes of the lack of realization of potentiality is an open book of opinions and discussions that may or may not reach their own potentiality. But both the artist and the analyzer will surely attain their ending.
Our conception begins a journey thru a life of mysteries unfolding. Those that are awakened by their personal journeys are the ones most likely to achieve their potential... their self-satisfaction with interpreting their lives and what the see and how they live it thru the medium that is inherent to their individuality. Be it fine arts, writers, musicians, engineers, philosophers, teachers, doctors or garbage collectors... everyone has to find their own authenticity and respond to it in the best way they know how.
14 deciembre 2008
Pic of the Week:
cecil.b.lee - paloma, mx