Sunday Stream (91) ~ Pollution of Lies

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (91) ~ Pollution of Lies

Post by mtmynd » August 20th, 2006, 1:33 pm

Pollution of Lies
Through daydreams we can end up desiring to be someone more than what we are - a superstar that sells out stadiums, an over-paid CEO of a fabulously successful corporation, a general that won a great war, a hero that is talked about in all the world's media by successfully saving thousands from a certain death, even becoming the manager of the small business we're employed by... the choices are many, but the dreams persist of becoming more than we are. Success is never an easy path no matter the payoff.

But success on any level brings more and more desires that invariably leads to lies no matter how much we know we should remain honest and truthful. Our physical comfort can be at stake, our reputation, our respect from others and eventually lies become de rigueur for maintaining the level of comfort we've become accustomed to. Balancing the books using fraudulent means, lying about our backgrounds to cover up some sleazy thing we did when we were in our twenties to protect our reputation, flatly denying an scandalous occurrence that would bring our downfall... no matter the reason, eventually it resorts to lying to protect the status quo... the larger the status, the bigger the lies.

Untruths are similar to lying, except instead of down right lying , an untruth is stretching facts to fit an idea, a concept or a philosophy. An analogy would be squeezing your size 9 foot into a size 8 because the shoe looks good. Untruth requires a closer investigation in what is being proposed... how much of what is being said is fact or truth and how much is a wish that the idea could be completely true? What part of the puzzle does not fit.

Lies and untruths have cost mankind untold amounts of lives, energy and money... all because 'we' want so much for 'it' to be true. Whatever the topic, whatever the subject, whatever the cause or reason, if any of these things make either the 'me' (singular) or 'we' (i.e., corporate or nationalistic), more than what me/we are, this me/we will resort to lying in order to confuse the truth. A lot is at stake.

How much money is spent in finding out whether something is true or not is a terrible waste of money and energy... money and energy that could be used to benefit mankind. The cost of wars is mankind's most stupid act. The U.S. has spent over $308 billion dollars so far to convince others that Democracy in Iraq will solve the problems in the Middle East. Certainly that must be one of the biggest lies of our current times. Add to that all the other wars throughout the world and your guess is as good as mine how much that would be. Just thinking about how much good that much money would do for the people of this singular planet, and it should trouble even the least imaginative amongst us.

Factor into these amounts the huge amounts of both money and energy spent on defending the sick among us. How much sickness is caused by lifestyle? How much sickness is brought on by the stress of keeping up the lies so many live? How many bring sickness and disease upon themselves because of their refusal to accept a more healthy way of living? Those monies, those levels of expertise to help those could well assist many that are in true, desperate need worldwide with safe drinking water, improved sanitation, better education, cleaner air and healthier foods.

In the list of lies that cost mankind dearly we could add the huge expense of defense. Not a country's defense but defending accused criminals of crimes. Yes, those who are innocent deserve to be defended. But how many on either side of the court's bench are there lying about 'who did it'? From celebrity court costs to corporate defense lawyers... these high profile court cases spend millions of dollars defending their clients rights to lie. If these people simply told the facts and truth as they see it so much money and energy would be saved.

There are countless numbers of examples that could be cited that show the absolute waste of the precious resources that could and should be diverted for mankind's benefit that are being used because of lies, because of untruths, because of desires to be so much more than what we are.

The world has become awash in lies. Truth is questioned on every level. Nobody knows truth from lies anymore, (well, not everybody, but certainly enough to bring confusion and chaos to our world), and so many don't want to know the truth even about their own Sefl. American personal debt is at an all time high and growing. So many people lying about their desires over their needs. Nations at war over the deceptions and lies of their leaders. Sickness, disease and stupidity spreading globally that the future for mankind appears more and more bleak for many. And yet all this would find balance if only lies were dropped. Lies cost more... much more than truth. If we would take the responsibility for seeking truth we would save money, energy and resources for others.
Lies are pollution veiling the clarity of Truth.


20 August 2006
What lie does the Universe tell?


The Nature of Truth
cannot deceive
cannot lie

Truth is all
it is all
that will ever be

The giver who
never receives
never deceives

continues being
all that it is
without expectation

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Post by Artguy » August 20th, 2006, 1:46 pm


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Post by mnaz » August 20th, 2006, 9:45 pm

Yes.... Holy samsara, Batman!

Seriously though, this place is what we make of it. It could be an enlightened voyage for one and all, but people cling to their walls and things.... to the vanity of exclusive "found absolute truth", etc.
But success on any level brings more and more desires that invariably leads to lies no matter how much we know we should remain honest and truthful.
I'm not entirely sure about this statement. Success doesn't necessarily turn one's life toward a lie, or lies, does it? I suppose obsessions with material gain amount to "living a lie", but I think it's possible to be successful, and not ruled by material obsession. Just a thought.

Good one, Cecil.

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Post by mtmynd » August 20th, 2006, 11:14 pm

artguy... samsara, no lie! :wink:

Hi, mnaz. I believe the 'lie factor' lies (no pun) within many, if not most, successful folks.... a means to hold on to what they've gained, a means to retain their position or respectability, etc.. Look at Clinton and his lie ('I did not have sex with that woman.')... Dubya and his lies (no need to list them, eh?).... all defended as if nobody should question their authority... Ken Lay, even Nixon... the list is long. How much we really know yet about Bill Gates or Warren Buffet remains to be heard, but could their wealth protect them from some aspects of lies that may be there..? I'd safely say that there are many, if not the vast majority of, succesful people that rely on, some degree or another, lies to protect themselves. True, it'd be difficult to prove such a statement, but given some serious thought, I think it's not a lie to make that statement. :) Thx for the comment!

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Post by Arcadia » August 21st, 2006, 10:41 am

Maybe it's possible that as much higher power or influence some persons have they put more energy in preserving some image of themselves they want the others to perceive. And that may include murder, estafas, lies...
But it's not only a persona/exitosa/socialmente bussiness... Each one of us can me implicated in those games from time to time with more or less intensity. Sure, that if you are in a power role you can hurt more easily a higher ammount of people.
Thanks for the stream, Cecil!!!
Beautiful photo and poem!!


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Post by mousey1 » August 21st, 2006, 11:28 am

It does get a little difficult to breathe, the pollution of lies, though invisible for the most part to the eye, does carry a slight stinky hint to the mind's receptors and the sensitive nasal passages.

If there is one person in this whole wide world who does not, nor never ever has, lied...I would like to meet 'em.

Given enough incentive everyone is more than capable of it, they might not be good at it; but they can learn, sadly they can learn.

Why, now that I think about it, even Jesus in his silence perpetrated a lie of omission...did he not? I do not hold it against him...his purpose was grand!
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mtmynd » August 21st, 2006, 1:46 pm

Ola, Arcadia, y gracias para las palabras positivas! :wink:

Howdy, mousey-one... true so true, all of us must speak the truth about whether we have lied some time in our lives and answer truthfully to the accusation. however when we have people of power positions, people of authority, people in the spotlight... all people that have great influence upon so many others, and we find them lying about some thing or another in order to protect their credibility, in order to defend their successful lifestyles or any other selfish reason, then we have problems with who these people are that we trust to use their positions of success and power, postions that influence so many people, we have massive problems. I am speaking of those that could be called 'successful', no matter if we agree or not, but those that have become successful by hook or crook taint truth and even sometimes intentionally obscure truth for self-gain. It gives the message to so many that it is permissable to do the same. And in today's instant communications, today's great poplulation... combine those factors in geometric proportions and we have world-wide distrust and suspicion which in effect, breaks down truth to a fantasy, rather than a discipline that is really nothing more than honest common-sense.

[wow! a lot of blabbering, eh? excuse me for that, mousey-one! :lol: ]

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Post by mousey1 » August 21st, 2006, 2:19 pm

Yes I get it. Putrid it is and quite all consuming. The Lie pollution needs sniffing out and clearing's just that it's so all consuming. Vigilance is the key but do we not all become weary, bone weary, poisoned inside out from the stench of it.

As always your wordiness is appreciated. Here's to the fresh air ventillation of all the clear thinkers unclouded...not yet vaporized.
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by WIREMAN » August 23rd, 2006, 12:54 pm

to tell the whole truth
nothin' but the truth
dervish turning
decitful falls
which way
does it always
have to be...........down?
truth on 1 side
lies on the other
choice is easy.................
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by stilltrucking » September 11th, 2006, 7:23 am

The lies I tell myself are the ones that pollute me the most.

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