Sunday Stream (117) ~ introduction to know where

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (117) ~ introduction to know where

Post by mtmynd » March 11th, 2007, 12:46 pm

introduction to know where
seven mongolian nomads riding their seven small horses across a 23 degree rise of a mountain range older than water... (the air is cold)... as moon becomes the light of the world veiled by thick layers of softness doubled to surround the brilliant luminous luna that has mesmerized every generation, the air gets even colder... and colder. the cold greets the warm breath i exhale which is quickly escorted to join the clouds high whispering across the fullness of the moon. i follow the horsemen as they return to the warmth of their yurts (ger) surrounding it's own warmth radiating from a small iron stove in the center of the one room.

((....... tedious. very tedious. not in the flow... fishing too close to the bank of the stream. stream became dream. gently lifted high. another place. don't put that in words! please...))

get off that mongolian horse and settle down, let the nerves relax... remove some of the weight they carry. ease out. it's always out there waiting to swallow us up... tension : the defensive clutch to hold on for life against the powerful winds of speed that propel us faster and faster, rocket-like our lives continually require more than nerves can resist. their frayed edges beg for repair.. to unwind. it's language is not words but pain to bring attention to the problem nerve is having... it's exact location pointing to the very spot that seeks help in resistance from a force that commands it's own attention.

it's that moment... it's come. that moment, this moment is time, the time, to return, reacquaint with the wholly inner... vastness of all things, a sea of consciousness beyond this me, this I that survives in service of dreams now at rest. no longer wound-up... all simply relaxes. each level of relaxation opens another door. behind every door another vista of wonder and beauty. can we say we've lived without experiencing complete bliss... the delicate touch of joy that gives us awareness of being... oneness of life wholeness without need, doubtless assured secure in bliss - home at long last.

the big treasure is within all that lives. all living things share the same light in order to be live... the common current of energy that started us and will finish our bodies, this shell that carries our spirit which in turn gives the shell the ability to do so - makes one. it's within pure consciousness - inseparable. the union of duality is the only balance of life. the yin and the yang intertwined in an embrace that enjoys their inseparability... the state of pure bliss hungry for each others inner being... the inner course in beautiful surrender...

beyond words, no words are heard. only moans and sighs of pleasure.... the foreplay of union between yin and yang giving birth to light to illuminate the darkness of ignorance and fear. it's our own being. not our cecil or sue, not our family or friends, not even our enemies. we can be enemies - enemies of our own inner self. our bodies came from that energy. inside/outside the energy of love is here... right now... for anyone that has the desire.

it's been said "i don't know if there's a god, but i do know there is a state of godliness which we can all experience and live." godliness may not be fulfilling for some. anything that smells of god nowadays, more than ever before, draws suspicion. 'you believe in god???' the incredulous question. god is many things to many people. but it's not those 'things' that need be concerned about. it's going with a flow that is the vein of life pulsating with us, with all the life we share in. make that (a) god if you will. make it any thing you'd like to call that connection to truth. truth is not about intellect. mind is intellect but mind relies upon pure consciousness. give mind credit but control. control requires boundaries. boundaries require maintenance and energy to maintain. the inner doesn't require the five senses. those are handled by mind. there is a place outside mind. identified by words many seek the words as they see them instead of the experience. trust... security... desire... unnecessary to bring along. no baggage is needed. ego will prevent the journey from completion. take your time... your moment to arrive. only when you are ready without readiness holding you back with words, images, ideas, imaginings. surrender from those and all things that are but weight (wait) holding you by grip that questions the motive - is this experience deserved?

question the why's of tension that bring on pain, discomfort, dis-ease... stealing into mind our purpose for being here. no answers are definite... sometimes this sometimes that, yes and no and maybe. we find ourselves riddled with doubts, cursed by confusion... we become stressed with the seemingly eternal battle. it's all with mind. mind took control. we become all mind is. that's all folks.

when we know our minds have taken control... when we realize mind has to be controlled, we awaken a long dormant floor that has been waiting to be entered into. at first glance as we open the door, it's unfamiliar ... but wondrous. we are more that we allowed mind to think. there are no words but only the awakening. our first inner sunrise illuminating our union with all - a spiritual orgasm.

are these over exaggerations, these puffed-up, poetic explanations only lures to catch, in a vain attempt, and introduce another to what has been experience? or are these words only a reflection of the experience to intellectualize it's occurrence? both suggestions share the experience with those that are interested... that feel an attachment to those particular words.

would writing without words mean any more any less..?

11 Mar 007
click on the lookingglasses 2

Last edited by mtmynd on March 22nd, 2007, 7:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by WIREMAN » March 11th, 2007, 2:19 pm

a poem of Han-Shan' by J.P. Seaton from Shambhala Anthology of Chinese Poetry c. 2006......

Human beings live in the dirt,
like bugs in a filthy bowl.

All day long crawling
around and around,
never gettting over the edge.

Even spiritual masters
can't make it,
racking their brains for
schemes and plans.

The months and years
a running river:
then there's the day
you wake up old.

I'm sure glad I started reading him at an early age Cecil.....wired
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » March 11th, 2007, 4:04 pm

nice stream, cec
I've always wanted to live in a yurt
be a nomad of the soul

property values being what they are
I wonder what it would cost me to get into a
little yurt with a two pony garage?
I'd probably have to go to Mongolia to afford it
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Post by Arcadia » March 11th, 2007, 6:14 pm

thanks for the beautiful stream, Cecil!!! the mongolians... in my family (as a joke) they liked to say I came from that lands...!!
and the image is amazing!! lookingglasses 2 is one of my favourite paintings by you!!!

Han Shan´s poem... wow!



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Post by mtmynd » March 11th, 2007, 7:53 pm

wired... nice han shan, called it like it is. if only.... thx for droppin' in. :wink:

yo, elRod... like that 2 pony garage... nice vision. but would you use it as a garage or storage space..? :lol: thx for the words.

Arcadia, mi amiga... gracias otra vez. pero i see no resemblance between you and a mongolian! nada, nada. :)

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