Sunday Stream (139) ~ Reason: a Reasonable Reasoning

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (139) ~ Reason: a Reasonable Reasoning

Post by mtmynd » September 30th, 2007, 11:56 am

a Reasonable Reasoning
Reason [n.] (re - zen) : 1) The basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction, 2) A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction.

There are, of course, more definitions, but the words speak of what 'reason' does, not what it is. We accept a word chosen to describe an action that we observe, usually more than once. How often do we seek its origin, why does it do what it does..?

We reason because we can. We have been born with the ability to choose, look at both sides (our mind-thumb allows 'the flip of the coin.') and make a decision based on our 'reason'. It's a reasonable thing to do... reason. We have the tool, we might as well use it. To not do so would be un-reasonable. If we don't fully grasp the reason(s) for our reasoning we remain unreasonable.

Reason, being an action of intellect, churns mind... reason - the lubricant for the mind gears to run smoothly... harmoniously. We are thinking creatures. We think all the time... questioning, deciding, choosing between this and that... There goes mind again.

The modern mind is rampant with things... ideas that we see, opinions that we hear... swirling in our heads at 220,000 miles each hour. The modern mind is busy... too busy to know that there is more than mind.

We reason by sensing the lack of tension within our bodies. The most reasonable path is the most stress less... at ease with our reason by choosing the path which provides the most clarity to see without reason.

An over-processed mind needs an enema. Mind gets constipated, plugged up with too much information, too much fact, too much reasoning. Not everything needs to be analyzed and judged for its worth in our lives. Nature is at our disposal, not just to strip its beauty, but to observe its beauty... life cannot survive without nature. Nature is the collective soul of life energy mutating and evolving on an endless journey thru the limitless realm of existence.

The journey is all there is... no rhyme, no reason... just journey. Change, like the waters that flow, are never stagnant, but filled with variety of wonders that embrace life. No reason.
When there is no reason, there is ease, and that's reasonable.

30 sept 2007
(originally written 18 july 2004, then tweaked)


from my (cecil) self-illustrated book

journal of an astral hobo
(more spillage from an empty mind)


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Post by mousey1 » September 30th, 2007, 12:39 pm

reason eh?
I prefer raisin
yes, maybe dry shriveled and pitiful
but none the wiser
for it's situation
whereas reason?
well, it speaks for itself

and we all have our reasons, some we keep upon the shelf, and dust.

here, have a raisin :wink:
it'll unstop your mind
and give you reason to go

Thanks, mt, for always helping to flush my stagnant pool. :)
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mtmynd » September 30th, 2007, 2:27 pm

howdy, mousey-one!

raisin indeed, without a seed,
shows no need or reason
for that raisin to be
'cept raisin' dem questions
and dem digestions,
is good enuff reason
that raisin should be,
ya' reckon? :wink:

nice seein' you about! thx!!

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Post by Arcadia » September 30th, 2007, 3:06 pm

thanks for the stream, Cecil!!!!!!! :D


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Post by mtmynd » September 30th, 2007, 5:30 pm

Hola, Arcadia, amiga mia! Gracias!! :wink:

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Post by Artguy » October 1st, 2007, 10:54 am

Reasoning or the over indulgence thereof often leads to being unreasonable . Then there is the danger of reason getting in the way of instinct and inuition...either way it's a fine balancing act...

Thanks Cecil this one hits close to home....

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