Sunday Stream (143) ~ Beauty

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (143) ~ Beauty

Post by mtmynd » December 9th, 2007, 12:26 pm

I am a junky for beauty. I can't get enough. Whenever I confront beauty I am awed... riveted by its presence. Beauty comes in so many forms that it is difficult for any observer to miss. Beauty may excite our sense of seeing, our sense of smell, of touch... our sense of hearing and even taste. We may never know until bip!, one of our senses or more is activated and off we go..!

The beauty of a woman certainly is a powerful intoxicant. Science has done exhaustive studies on what beauty in an individual is. Through this research they have found that there are similarities all across the globe as to what man is attracted to in a woman - the hourglass figure, a little fat in the ass and breast areas. These are universal attractants for the male. These traits are natures way of subconsciously telling the male that this body-type is capable of carrying a child, able to provide it nourishment, to have the strength to have a healthy birth.

The male species is seen by the female, at least subconsciously, as beautiful when they carry themselves confidently. Their body-types also need to be healthy and clear-eyed. The male's ability to bring nourishment and shelter to the mother and child is very important for good reason.

The one common ground between the male and female, as far as what is beauty, is a symmetry within their facial features. This is the most important attractant to both of the species - the symmetry of the face : a balance between the right side and the left side of the face. When we see someone with this symmetry, we are attracted. Far few of us have this complete balance of face.

Our genes respond to instinct, even if we (our egos) resist...we are attracted. For the positive among us, we enjoy seeing this beauty...riding its waves, feeling the experience of the energy.

For others the refusal of beauty is the fear of beauty's acceptance. It may instill a fear of rejection, so one rejects before s/he gets rejected. For another, the acceptance of beauty may signify an emasculation of the male.

We are such insecure animals when confronted by true beauty. Even the beauty of any art, or Nature, even ideas, philosophies, etc.. So many of us choose to ignore beauty, and in some cases, try to deny it by covering it up, locking it away, ignoring its becomes like an enemy to the beholder.
Witness the Taliban and what they did to beauty, from insisting on the fully veiled women, to blowing up the Buddha statue....even bombing the Twin Towers - surely a structure of enormous simple beauty.

On one hand we humans are attracted by beauty of symmetry of our own kind while on the other hand Nature is very asymmetrical, and yet we are not ignorant of its beauty - beauty of such power that it inspires artists to create masterpieces of paintings, music, dance or poetry. But while nature is asymmetrical in appearance - the symmetry lies in its movement, its cycles : earth spinning around our sun in 365 days, the seasons arriving with either the vernal or autumnal equinox and the summer and winter solstice, the phases of the moon, the leaves dropping in the fall and reappearing in the spring... Nature's symmetry.

We are not only attracted to symmetry, but our lives need it to grow and evolve fully. Denial is the path of ignorance. The stupid person will never attain their oneness with existence until they, too, surrender to beauty - the 'wholiness' of life given for only one reason - to absorb its gift of divinity submersing ourselves into the bliss of a fully realized Love of Being.

One cannot own beauty but we can accept its message ; there is enough to sustain us thru our journey upon this world, for it is within beauty that existence flourishes. The full acceptance of the beauty that surrounds us, making us a little more beautiful in return.

09 December 2007

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Post by stilltrucking » December 9th, 2007, 12:56 pm

Beautiful glass, thank you for posting that picture.

I watched a Celtic woman play Shenandoah on the violin
I could not help but to notice her beauty
But more beautiful was in the melody she played
I suppose the Dalai Lama would say do not objectify sensory data.
even so
It is all so beautiful

Speaking of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims.

So many latino women converting to Islam I have heard. A reaction to their objectification in the west maybe.

Have you ever seen the BBC video The Power of Nightmare? A lot of it is about an Egyptian named Sayyid Qutb. This is about his stay as an engineering student duringing the forties and early fifties. I wonder what he would have to say about American women these days.
In an article published in Egypt after his travels, he noted with disapproval the sexuality of Americans:
the American girl is well acquainted with her body's seductive capacity. She knows it lies in the face, and in expressive eyes, and thirsty lips. She knows seductiveness lies in the round breasts, the full buttocks, and in the shapely thighs, sleek legs — and she shows all this and does not hide it.
The Power of Nightmares: Baby It's Cold Outside
At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neo-conservatives and the radical Islamists.

Both were idealists who were born out of the failure of the liberal dream to build a better world. These two groups have changed the world but not in the way either intended. Those with the darkest fears became the most powerful Together they created today's nightmare vision of an organised terror network.
just another beauty junky
thanks for the stream Cecil

Not sure what all this has to do with those statues of the Buddha.

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Post by Artguy » December 9th, 2007, 3:39 pm

Addiction to beauty can be a painful affliction....seeing everything larger than reality...and worse being compelled to capture it like prey....

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Post by Arcadia » December 9th, 2007, 3:40 pm

One cannot own beauty but we can accept its message ; there is enough to sustain us thru our journey upon this world, for it is within beauty that existence flourishes. The full acceptance of the beauty that surrounds us, making us a little more beautiful in return

beautiful conclusion & beautiful photo, Cecil!!!!!
thanks for the stream & saludos!!


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