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Sunday Stream (285) :: The Change is a Comin'

Posted: July 17th, 2016, 2:48 pm
by mtmynd
The Change is a Comin'
[so find safety within]
Lately, after all the senseless shootings, the violence.. all these actions are beyond the word "racism" and encompasses a hatred of the police regardless of race, creed or color... it is encompassing a hatred towards people in general (how many times have you heard or read other folks saying "I hate people"..?) And who could blame them when we are flooded with reports and scenes of carnage not only in our own country but in foreign countries throughout the globe. It is beyond "racism" although that is a pat answer used to mean "everyone and their everything" as being offensive to individuals... yes, the majority of the guilty are a minority; the majority of the minority are males; the majority are sick and tired of people that don't or will not listen to the perpetrators, will not try to understand their dilemma and confusion that goes on in turbulent times such as these. This is a massive time of change that affects one and all, nobody is immune from the effects. How many can stand and state the reason(s) for all the negativity swirling about our world..? My guess is if anyone knew there would be nobody who would believe it or even care... so busy we are with our own concerns.

Today, (7.17.2016), in Baton Rouge, LA, yet again several police officers were shot, many of them dead (numbers to be seen). Considering the past incidences it would be a fair guess to say these recent shootings were by males, between the ages 25 and 32, who are disenchanted with their lives or who feel their lives are in jeopardy by the the events of the times. But call out a reason, an opinion, a possibility as to why? and who will listen,,,who will believe..?

Blind and deaf, we seem to have become... closing ourselves off from the violence which has been going on since 2001 (not to rule out the violent history of mankind throughout time!), but it seems of have compounded since the dreadful 9/11 event that has destabilized the world we grew up in... a continuous battle between belief systems, between races, between ideologies and even between religions to a degree.

Times of great change require great understanding and even greater acceptance of living within the change. In the end, the 21stC may very well prove itself to be as the next era for mankind....ONLY if we the People can live up and accept change as it comes. WE must change in order to survive the change. If we are unable to do this, how will we live with each other in these highly volatile and precarious times of today..? Will we or should we listen to others or listen to our Self within..? Perhaps the only way to survive...
