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Sunday Stream (S8-298) :: the Essence

Posted: September 27th, 2020, 3:04 pm
by mtmynd
Sunday Stream (S8-298) ~ the Essence

~The Essence~

"Love is all you need."
"God is love."
"Give me your love."
"I give you my love."

Books are full of the word. Millions of songs have been sung about getting or losing love. We wish we had love. We're ecstatic when we feel love. We go mad when we're without love. Love, love, love... no wonder there's skeptical people that distrust that word. Religions preach about it. Couples dwell on it. Friends flirt with it.

Seems as though love is out there. We can't avoid it. We can fight against it. We can argue its being. But it doesn't matter, not a bit. The world of hu'mans speaks of love, thinks of love, sees love all around them. When Robert Palmer sang those words: "Addicted to love..." he was spot on.

Love is addictive. Love is the ultimate high. Those that have achieved love need not want more and that is the Ultimate Addiction. What a high! Love coursing thru our veins makes us radiant, makes us glow with the Light, brings health and smiles to our faces - we look beautiful. People love beauty, love health. When we are filled with love we are filled with a side of life that is always free of clouds... we are much higher than the clouds... we are so high that nothing can stop us.

But we can't give love as if love were a thing. "Here, have some of my love...", as if you went to the mall and scored a bag of love. Love is not for sale. Love is not a tangible object that we admire and desire. We all know that. But we know when we've got it. We can only share the Essence of Love. The more we share the more we receive. We share what we are, what we know, what we were given by Nature. Love becomes an act - the Act of Love to be performed upon Life's stage, the spotlight is your Light, your character is the individual you are... play yourself with the Love that Nature has prescribed to you, and you grow upwards towards the Light that is Self's Realization. If we play the part without ego, we we become one with Creation, if we play the part with ego we only love ourselves. Know the difference, experience the difference... this is the Play.

Even the doubters know. They know or they wouldn't doubt. The doubters doubt, they question... "Is that really love, or is love something more?" They are not sure... not convinced that what they are feeling... what they are seeing, is love. They see the flower but they haven't smelled the fragrance. The fragrance makes the flower complete. The fragrance makes the plant whole. Take in the wholeness and you reach the holy.

Science looks for love. They may find the 'button in the brain' that is activated, but they will not find love under a microscope. O, they will admire what they find, fascinated by the minuteness of detail, of structure, of the beauty of what they are seeing - this will surely give them some love - but they will not see the essence.

The essence of love is spiritual... without form. We cannot give love without ever experiencing love. How do we give something we do not have? We seek, we experience, we share. We all carry this Essence with us at all times... Love permeates all things, all matter, all that we can sense. We cannot have the water, but we can submerse ourselves in it. We can splash some on our mates, our friends, our neighbors and acquaintances. But we cannot have the water. We are only a vessel to contain what we are... a drop from the sea, the essence of Existence.

Sense the Essence.
Sense the Essence.

Imagine a light, a bright light, extremely bright but not's comforting. Your third eye, (that which is centered between the eyes at the back of the bridge of the nose, when the eyes are closed), is focused, focused upon the original Self... that which was before your face, before your mother, before time was measured. This light illuminates eternally. This light within is at once Every Thing, (for every thing does not exist without it), and No Thing, (to call the experience thru words is to try and contain the Light, but the Light is abundantly free and all encompassing). This light... wholly Light, holy Light, is the Essence, is our Essence. This Light is the Essence... this Light radiates freely a 'feeling', which is how we interpret it - thru our senses we have the feeling, that we have called, the world over, Love.

We are born freshly of that 'seed'... that original energy, dios, god, the godhead, the unspeakable, the great spirit... all futile words than denigrate the experience, but we have accepted it's presence when we are born. This mortal body has within it the essence of love. Healthy babies radiate their love. We want to hold them, cuddle them, kiss their pudgy cheeks, laugh with innocence at their smiles. Babies are rich with love. They are fresh from the eternal Light... and we want some of that love. This innocence of Being has not been tarnished by our religions, our philiosophies, our politics, our dualities... We know. We know deep inside what we see in the baby - pure Love. It sparkles within its eyes, it spills out its mouth, the shaking with joy is Love unbounded. We know. We know what we need.

Nature doles out life with love. Witness Nature. Sit in silence and observe Nature. In that silence, open your self, abandon problems, focus... focus on the beauty that Nature is. The trees, the plants growing underneath the canopy of leaves, the birds nesting in the branches, the insects flying from place to place, the bear acratching its back against the trunk... this is reality. This is what goes on behind our backs when we are slavishly working inside four-sided walls. Nature is reproducing while we are watching television. This is what is happening in the world, while we cheat and deceive each other to amass matter. Nature continues with us or without us. Nature is overflowing with love. Nature is the physical manifestation of Love.

We refer to Nature in the feminine gender. She reproduces. She nurtures. She gives lessons. To know that, to accept these things, is to accept the feminine side of our Self. We are all duality. When we accept our duality, we open to the wholeness of Being. Nature reveals the duality of life constantly.

Madness is caused by our egos refusing to cooperate with our spirit. We fight and rebel against our inner selves... our uniqueness, our individuality. We just can't accept ourselves for what we are! We fight it off, we spurn what we know is what we are, but we just won't do it. This inner battle can cause us to go mad. We are fighting against Nature, against the vibrations of Natures song, instinct, we are fighting against Love. This battle is like a gnat fighting the hurricane. When we fight against love, we lose... ultimately we lose. But Nature is here to give us those lessons again and again. Nature is eternal and eternally changing, and Nature's essence, Love, never changes for it permeates all things in order to sustain them, and we are but part of its Essence. Know our Nature, know our Self.

we cannot give love
we can only share love
for love is divine
and without form
but thru form we share
the essence that is

we do not exist without love
we create masks revealing
our denials and
deny our Self
the Truth which is divine.

Surrender to the Inner Voice
that is beyond Mind
and we accept Love

Become one with Truth
share in its bounty

Love is not yours
but you are Love
a masterpiece of Nature
a gift to Life
to celebrate
and learn of it's

Cecil B Lee