Graham's Maria at the Taj Mahoney

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Graham's Maria at the Taj Mahoney

Post by ZyzxzxzyZ » April 7th, 2005, 7:03 pm

Along with the Getty Center perching over the south end of the Mullholland Pass like some Parthenon of commuting, and the deconstructed sheet metal walls of the Music Center, LA citizens are now blessed with another monument to ostentatious futility, Our Lady of the Angels, also known as Taj Mahoney. Impressive, as the statues of Ramses II are impressive, the cathedral also features the 20 ton doors designed by celebrity-sculptor extraordinaire Roberto Graham; Bob's somewhat expressionist Maria, over 8 ft tall and a bit chubby at 1000 pounds, guards the entryway, her head positioned beneath a large hole that allows her a view of the sky, I guess, were she able to move her head and gaze upwards.
She appears, well, tormented, afflicted, more peasant than princess--perhaps slightly sephardic, if not latina. Her eyes point downwards, somewhat humbly; her arms outstretched, with fairly muscular hands open at the end. Her lips are full, and dare I say, sensual--is there a trace of scorn there? It would be too easy to mock Graham's Maria, but irony or at least a hint of the grotesque is not entirely absent. Graham's Maria is handsome rather than beautiful, revealing a sort of energetic angst more than serenity.


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Post by Arcadia » April 7th, 2005, 9:43 pm

She looks more like Juana de Arco than the Virgen María.

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Post by izeveryboyin » April 8th, 2005, 2:11 pm



p.s for once I didn't mean that sarcastically.
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Post by e_dog » April 9th, 2005, 10:06 pm

for critic of the postmodern and so-call'd continental philosophy generally, this desription is remarkably similar to those of it.

side note to doreen: if this post is not the absolute justification for XYZetc.'s presence then i don't know what could convince?
I don't think 'Therefore, I am.' Therefore, I am.

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