
The Philosophy of Art & Aesthetics.

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Post by e_dog » October 28th, 2005, 4:14 pm

what is Truth?

according to Walter Benjamin, "There are as many truths as there are authentic works of art."

however this connection between truth and art is not often accepted. many see the domain of art as that of artifice or even untruth.

is truth best attained by science? religious truth? Jesus claimed that he was the Truth.

and the Hebrew word for "truth" emet is similar to that for "dead" met. Nietzsche, who thought of himself later in life as the Antichrist, said that God is dead. but should he have proclaimed, instead, that truth is dead? and would a Christian be able to disagree?

is there truth in politics amidst all its lies?

The Special Prosecutor said today that the perjury, false statement and obstruction o' justice criminal charges against "Scooter" Libby were crucial for upholding truth in the judicial process.
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Post by mtmynd » October 29th, 2005, 10:53 am

Truth cannot be found in words. Facts, as the viewer sees it, has become synonymous with what we call 'truth.' To be honest, one must use the word 'fact' when referring to 'truth,' for truth is unerring and eternal as the space between all matter in constant flux.

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Post by gypsyjoker » November 2nd, 2005, 11:53 am

Breaker Breaker big buddies
The truth for me at this moment is that I came here to make a new post but this one is so interesting that I had to break in and put my two cents worth.
would a Christian be able to disagree?
In a nut shell
you have a good read on Nietzsche imho

at this point I would have defer to
mt on “facts
” or as I might paraphrase Nitzke, what is truth, do you mean what is reality?
'fact' when referring to 'truth,' for truth is unerring and eternal as the space between all matter in constant flux.
Ten four the constant flux, keeps me on my toes, makes me want to dance.

puckered up with rapture down in the soutn
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Post by niven » November 7th, 2005, 12:34 am

what is truth?

truths are beliefs we have set into absolutes. They are our guidelines. they are also associated with judgement.

Is art a truth?.... do you believe it is?

lets take that quote..what was it...

according to Walter Benjamin, "There are as many truths as there are authentic works of art."

that just says there are many truths. but also, as many as there are authentic works of art Which implies that yes we have many authentic works of art, but more importantly, many artists as well.
Therefore logical deduction of somesort at this point reveals there are as many truths as there are people who create them.
or i would say there are as many truths as there are people to believe they are truths.

But within truth you have the idea of an absolute truth, or the other side of the fence is a relative truth. Relative truth which says truth is relative to the observer in the time and place in which he/she acts.

And simply to recognize that there are movements in art, authentic movements we label in time periods. So you can see, if we are to associate art with truth, at all, it would be a relative truth. or a truth that moves the more and more we create art.

truths then being relative to time frames, and comparing them with art still, you can say, within the context of the quote that was mentioned, that according to that also, could be implied, if there are more or less authentic works of art in a time frame there are more or less truths in a time frame. which gives quantity to truth but what is the quality?

Which leads to the question, what the hell is art? And what qualifies something as art?
Art is the emotion. it is the subjective movement of a given time frame being objectified. The underlying movement of a period of time being expressed.

is it a truth? if i were to believe it was, iwould believe it is a relative truth. And not THEE truth.
but as you can see, its in the interpretaion already. we already are prone to interpret things as a truth. what i just said i think is the truth, not thee truth, but relative to the time and place in which i act.

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Post by gypsyjoker » November 7th, 2005, 1:00 pm

not thee truth, but relative to the time and place in which i act.
fair statement of the arguement I think

I can not speak to "Art" only art,
I think:
is Truth science.
I think how Art and Science serve the state.

Just intellectual farts I suppose, not an artist, just a consumer. But I like this bit that seems to be like a haiku for me the parallels of art and science.

mathematical formulas
inset artisticaly on the page
like poems.

Not speaking of priests in white lab coats, but heretics who know what is at risk.
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Post by niven » November 8th, 2005, 3:32 am

in terms of science, it seems we associate logic and reason towards arriving at truth.
sort of like the philosophical truths where the quality of a statement is logically shown to be true or false.
religous truths are not arrived at that way. they are based on faith.

Though religion and science are both faiths. Because they both possess 'theories', and they both possess individuals who subscribe to those theories as the truth.

One example is evolution. It is the 'theory of evolution' by darwin but yet it seems that people dont recogognize it as such. Its not an absolute truth that we evolved. But yet this theory is officially accepted as a truth and goes unchallenged as such.
Another example is the Big Bang... theory, an invented explanation...

etc see the difference,...interesting thing science tries to put over the head of relgion is that religion doesnt possess logic and rationale.
But it seems religion just isnt holding a faith in logic.
Science invented that, they created that' theory' ; that logic is neccesary to arrive at truths. They put their faith in logic to do that. But logic also isnt an absolute...hehe its based on a faith that it works towards absolute ends.

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