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Posted: February 27th, 2005, 2:09 pm
by Doreen Peri
I'm a nazi because I corrected your "aloud" when you meant "allowed?" How's that?

Please do not compare my posts to posts on any other website. I am me. I'm just me.

If you want to scream "fuck you" to me just because I corrected your word usage, go ahead, but it's really unbecoming to you.

I haven't read your story, as I told you before, because your signature says, "Fuckers read my post on rejestion slip. The 10 pg one!!!" and I don't like to be called a "fucker" and I don't like it when people demand I read something. I don't like it when people DEMAND anything from me.

Now, concerning "there", "their" and "they're"

here's how it works whether you give a shit or not

THERE - is a place as in "It's over there." And it's also used like this "There is something I have to say about this topic."

THEIR- is possessive. As in "Those hats are theirs. They belong to them."

THEY'RE- is a contraction of "They Are" as in "They're both going to the fair."

And there you have it.


Posted: February 27th, 2005, 2:09 pm
by Axanderdeath
I am pissed at all you fucking dicks on this site, and alot of the world. I am fresh and new and you all are old and fucking shitty. so fuck you! Don't read the fucking story shit head fucker, yes I am angry and why the fuck not, cock sucker!

Posted: February 27th, 2005, 2:14 pm
by Doreen Peri
Lightning Rod wrote:jimbo--
we have a bottle of Jojimbe lotion. Doreen doesn't like me to put it on her because of the way I pronounce it--HOhimbee
LOL!!!!! :lol: :roll: :shock: :D

No, I don't like it 'cause it STINKS to high heaven!

But Katherine was a sweetheart for giving us all those massage lotions and tools, wasn't she? Somehow, though, I'm thinking she's thinking about moving back in so she can show me how to use them. She likes me a lot, you know. :mrgreen:

Posted: February 27th, 2005, 2:17 pm
by Lightning Rod
just a little advice from an old fucker, death

you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar

Re: yes

Posted: February 27th, 2005, 2:22 pm
by Doreen Peri
Axanderdeath wrote:I am pissed at all you fucking dicks on this site, and alot of the world. I am fresh and new and you all are old and fucking shitty. so fuck you! Don't read the fucking story shit head fucker, yes I am angry and why the fuck not, cock sucker!
Yes. We are old. I am old enough to be your mother. I don't have a dick, though, so to call me a dick doesn't make much sense, now does it? If you are angry at the world, don't feel like you are alone. I am angry at the world, too. The world is a crazy place. It's best to find inner peace and not worry about the world too much because there are some screwy things going on in the world. But there are also some really good people in the world who really care. Some of them like to help other people with their word usage. :D And some of them take young writers seriously enough to want to publish them. And some take the time to CRITIQUE when you BEG them to and y'know what? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that you can catch more flies with honey than with shit. When you scream at people and call them cocksuckers (no matter how much some of us love to do that), well it's just plain not fun and people won't listen to it after a while. I'm sorry you're angry but really, if you try to be nice to people and not take so much offense when people are being nice to you, than you'll find your anger will subside quite quickly. As I said, I'm old enough to be your mother and so maybe I'm starting to sound like your mother.

Keep writing and let your writing stand for itself. Stop asking for critique and you will stop getting critique. Be nice to people and people will be nice to you. Be mean to people and people will ignore you. *shrug* It's pretty simple, really.

You have a lot of talent but you ruin the possibility of getting read by being rude to your audience.

Posted: February 27th, 2005, 2:23 pm
by jimboloco
thazz what i'm talkin bout!!!!ImageImage
what he needs a darn good whacking!

what a drag it is gettin old....
but a joint and a bloody mary shure help.

Hey, A
say something funny!

Posted: February 27th, 2005, 2:47 pm
by jimboloco
we have a bottle of Jojimbe lotion. Doreen doesn't like me to put it on her because of the way I pronounce it--HOhimbee

you little weenie. If you ask for critique (as you did) don't be surprised when you get it
I got the tablets....they look like herbal road dope.

I don't have such good luck giving out lotions to ladies.

Posted: February 27th, 2005, 2:53 pm
by Lightning Rod
jimboloco wrote:jimbo--
we have a bottle of Jojimbe lotion. Doreen doesn't like me to put it on her because of the way I pronounce it--HOhimbee

I just went and looked at the bottle

it's not HOhimbee

it's HOHOba

Hohimbee is the stuff you take to get ready for the HOHOba

Posted: February 27th, 2005, 5:30 pm
by jimboloco

i am a bum.

Posted: March 7th, 2005, 10:23 pm
by knip
ahhh geoff it's fun to watch you at work sometimes

as always, i enjoyed your piece...i'm going to have to read it a few more times, but i'll enjoy doing so

not sure what pushed your buttons in this particular thread, though...i mean, jimbo, who is always class, gives you some feedback and you jump on him because you can't understand what he's saying...but i get the feeling you demand that folks understand what you are saying, though...:)

i suspect you were just tired that no one had commented on your piece for a while...hell i promised to, but didn't...this is because reading your stuff takes a bit of work (for me, anyway), and much more so if it's a long piece...

i don't know...the anger you display seems forced...i mean, bad grammar and spelling isn't really anger, it's just bad grammar and spelling, isn't it?

but i liked it, and didn't think it particluarly's certainly not <i>King of Kings</i> [idea stolen from lenny bruce]


Posted: March 7th, 2005, 10:41 pm
by jimboloco
Well, freinds, I did send the young fellow a personal message telling him he could be expressive with me, and made a comment on his snippet about hitching out west, Canada, I enjoyed it and could relate, but have not heard back from him. Maybe you could try an email. Still, that display of anger, on a personal level, was beyond my level of comfort.

Posted: March 8th, 2005, 10:55 am
by Axanderdeath
knip wrote:ahhh geoff it's fun to watch you at work sometimes

as always, i enjoyed your piece...i'm going to have to read it a few more times, but i'll enjoy doing so

not sure what pushed your buttons in this particular thread, though...i mean, jimbo, who is always class, gives you some feedback and you jump on him because you can't understand what he's saying...but i get the feeling you demand that folks understand what you are saying, though...:)

i suspect you were just tired that no one had commented on your piece for a while...hell i promised to, but didn't...this is because reading your stuff takes a bit of work (for me, anyway), and much more so if it's a long piece...

i don't know...the anger you display seems forced...i mean, bad grammar and spelling isn't really anger, it's just bad grammar and spelling, isn't it?

but i liked it, and didn't think it particluarly's certainly not <i>King of Kings</i> [idea stolen from lenny bruce]

Knip there may be some mistakes in this "long" peice but not that many and you should be able to read it fine.

Posted: March 8th, 2005, 11:01 am
by jimboloco
I copy Rubber Duck.
I will read the second bit now, after reading the first.
Breaker breaker Rubber Duck,
Do you copy?

Posted: March 8th, 2005, 11:04 am
by Axanderdeath
The starting was not really saying I hate bums or the homeless or anything, I am homeless right now and staying at a shelter. It was suposed to grab people's attention not scar them away...

Thanks though, for reading...

If that is what you are saying...

Posted: March 8th, 2005, 11:08 am
by knip
Knip there may be some mistakes in this "long" peice but not that many and you should be able to read it fine.

au contraire, my montreal-dwelling friend (the french was in recognition of this - you're still there, right?)

there are lots and lots of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors...i know this doesn't bother you...that has been explored doesn't really bother me, either, unlike some other folks (who have all the right to be bothered by it in literature)

here is the problem with it - for every error of grammar, spelling, or punctuation, i have to stop and think whether or not the error is intentional...double-meaning through errors is a small trick of writing used if i want to understand fully what you're trying to say, i have to stop and think about each error and decide if there is makes reading such a piece kind of tedious, especially when, at the end, one determines they were just lazy errors, and little else