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a letter that i sent to this Stryker Brigade blog

Posted: August 13th, 2006, 11:55 am
by jimboloco
"After reading through your website ..." posted By admin on Friday, August 11, 2006 ... fault.aspx
this is a blog reply that i made, unfortunately, it has to be approved by same admin.


sent it out to my local peace vets; our daily digest is where i seen it, yaz.

Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 08:43:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Jimboloco" 8) Subject: bringing home Stryker Brigade Blog

My step-son was hell-bent on going to that exact Alaska Stryker Brigade.
Was going to basic training in September, 2003., Ft Benning, then north to Alaska. His mom and I are married. We went up there, Wisconsin, my wife's place of origin, met up with all his other kin folk plus his fiancee for a goodbye be all you can be send off party. I remember getting plastered on draft Miller beer and playing vollyball drunk.
As it turned out, Brad never went, because he got busted for selling cocaine. It was a blessing. He did some time in a work-release program for for a year and now is a convicted civilian. Now he digs on NASCAR.
His dad's brother, a career ANG lifer, advised him agin it as well. He was locked in, could not retire, finally did so, sucking off Uncle Sam for a pension.
As for me, I did 4 years of AFROTC at Michigen. In pilot training, a half-year after Dumbya, I went to a meeting of the AFSC ( Quakers) in ole San Antone. I met some dudes who were drafted as IA-O conscientious objectors and were training as medics. They were mere buck privates, but their sense of bravado was impressive, giving me great insight into the illusion of greater intelligence with officer's rank. My pilot schoolmates were straight as hell, except for big John O'Toole. They called him "Bomber." He had a slot in the Massassiaccuchits ANG. a reward for his two year Peace Corps service in Lesotho. He's the one who toook me to the Friends' meeting in Sa Antone/
I saw him the next year, after I came back from Vietnam, where I flew cargo planes, and was pissed. We tripped on acid up in New Hampshire. I had declared CO and refused duty flying tankers. ... ailfli.jpg
13 Aug 2006
7.Bring Home 172nd Stryker Combat Brigade
Posted by: "Kev Hall" kevcross2
Sun Aug 6, 2006 5:53 pm (PST)

Posted: August 14th, 2006, 12:41 am
by gypsyjoker
I suppose I am going to have to give the Meeting in Sanato another try.
Maybe I should get stoned first this time.

You know I know nothing about the military jimbo, but I respect the samurai.

The best and the brightest minds were shut out of our war on Iraq. Maybe it will work out for the best I don't know. There was a marine general everyone called Rip in Vietnam. Just before the invasion the biggest milatary war games ever played took place. I think it was called Millenium something or other. Rip was in charge of the enemy forces. Two sides were not equally matched. Rip's forces were did not have the technology and weapons of the "good guys". He kicked their asses. After twenty four hours or less DOD decided to "reset the game" cause they knew they had lost. They scripted the game so it would come out right. Rip resigned in disgust.

Sorry for the ramble
I will give that pecker head clerk of the meeting in Sanato another chance to reject me. I got plenty of cheek to turn.

Posted: August 16th, 2006, 3:35 pm
by jimboloco
i don't know, man
those quakers can be so tedious
it's a part of their culture
but hey ya never know
i lost mostly all contact with the old quakers
but see them occasionally
a street vigil on wednesdays
gonna happen this afternoon
1 mile away
yet i sit here
pecking away
pecking duck
peking quaker
military madness
beaurocratic corruption
i don't know,
but i've been told
samurai sam
bought th scam
an i'm thru with improbable deliberations.

Posted: August 16th, 2006, 3:37 pm
by jimboloco
hey hey Georgie Bush How many Kids did you kill today

good bio
ah well, they posted my comment on the stryker brigade's rebel suport website

Posted: August 18th, 2006, 5:03 pm
by stilltrucking
The Religious Society of Friends "a peculiar people"

j's comment about religion on one of Cecil's stream from memory somethin like this.

"religion is about belonging, men to the right women to the left"

still a silent vigil thursday at four
sanato peace center
I can't take the heat
Over a hundred degrees yesterday
the kill zone for geeZers like me
that is my excuse this week.

most thursdays just slip by me
everyday slips by me
I got about three white boards going
things to remember to do
there was a good short story about a computer whiz who is losing his long term memory. He wakes up every day with amnesia. As his mind was slipping awy he wrote a computer program that stored his lived experience, each day he leaves himself more clues to his identity. Good story I wish I could remember the author.

Posted: August 22nd, 2006, 2:30 pm
by jimboloco
ah there was a film like that
amnesiac dude
had an instant camera to record his days
what was it?
he was going nowhere fast

Posted: August 29th, 2006, 2:26 am
by stilltrucking
going nowhere fast