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Feeding the Hand That Kills You – or at least kills your....

Posted: January 17th, 2007, 9:49 am
by Michael
<center>(originally published by OpEdNews)</center>

According to Pakistan’s Daily Times, like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, The Regime’s weapons of mass destruction could fall into the hands of terrorists. The difference? Everyone in the world knows that The Regime has weapons of mass destruction.

Based upon what The Regime did in Iraq, The Former United States of America should soon be invading The United States of America. Which member or members of The Regime, then, will The Regime hang after a kangaroo court? Who has created crimes against humanity? Who’s the major choreographer of the death dance that the American military puppets have done upon the land of Iraq and the citizens of that land? Will that person or those people be taunted by other hooded members of The Regime before the floor is opened up?

The surplus military weapons referred to in the Daily Times have already allegedly been purchased by both China, who holds most of The FUSA’s debt, and Iran, yet another sovereign nation that The Regime, through some delusional, warped thinking, feels it can attack and “democratize”. Iran can be grateful to America while it uses American weapons to kill American military personnel.

Arrogant Americans can’t bring themselves to believe that God’s anointed American government can murder 3,000 of its own citizens by staging a “terrorist attack”, as was staged on September 11, 2001. Self righteous Americans can’t call it murder when The Regime causes the deaths of over 3,000 American military personnel by invading a nation which did nothing to warrant the invasion. Will these same jingoistic, cowardly Americans use Rumsfeld’s “stuff happens” excuse when purchased American weapons kill American soldiers?

The logical next step is to find a Regime member’s prints on one of the weapons that kills an American. That’s it. If one of The Regime’s monsters actually guns down an American, maybe our wealth-addicted, no balls Congress may put punishment “on the table”.

Let’s get a pool going. Since he’s had the most experience at shooting Americans, Cheney may very well be the first member of The Regime to directly shoot an American soldier.

To friendship,

“You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” - Jeannette Rankin

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