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me...a flipflopper

Posted: November 3rd, 2004, 1:32 am
by knip
while studying things like canadian/american/global national security, CANUS relations, and other issues of some sort of strategic import (to strategists, anyway), i can had a bit of an epiphany about 2-3 weeks ago

i decided bush would make a better president

i didn't share those thoughts here (or elsewhere) because i didn't feel like participating in the ensuing threads (if there would have been any)...too busy, you see

yet yesterday i predicted a kerry win, because i thought the extra 5-10 million voters expected this go-round would seal it for him

during the course of the returns tonight, i'm questioning my previous flip-flop, and have an ache in my gut that bush could win

having conflicting views is such a pain, i think

no-win, no-lose

Posted: November 3rd, 2004, 4:53 am
by mnaz
Bush would make a better President?


Economy weak, jobs lost, unprecedented corporate welfare and looting of the treasury, combative, divisive with-us-or-against-us approach, a quagmire war and endless occupation started for reasons given that were 98% false with 50000+ dead Iraqi citizens and counting, high explosives in Iraq left unguarded and now unaccounted for, the enemy leader who actually attacked the US still at large, sending a video right before the election for Chrissake, proposed preemptive mangling of the Constitution to preclude one group from even trying to seek what they see as their civil rights, open defiance of the world community and alienation of U.S. allies..... the list goes on....

So where exactly do you get "better President" from all of this?

Posted: November 3rd, 2004, 7:26 am
by judih
That's a good question.
One for further speculation. Perhaps the Bush-niks will continue to hide their head in the sand and whitewash the next four years.

Who said it? Perhaps it was L-rod, or Mark Morford of the San Fran Chronicle, that it'll take four more years of Bush to convince people of who he truly is and how badly he's dealt with things.

four more years. What a sour sound that leaves in the room.

Posted: November 3rd, 2004, 8:16 am
by knip
see? that's exactly why i didn't post it in the first place

Posted: November 3rd, 2004, 8:38 am
by judih
yeah, knip.
once a sound is made, it can't be unmade.

looks like ripples from this election are going to be felt immediately.

Posted: November 3rd, 2004, 8:47 am
by knip
the nice thing about being a flip-flopper is that a flip back isn't unprecedented


having never been partisan in this matter, i acknowledge that all it might take is a couple more dumb moves by bush for me to flop back over...not that it matters much, being canadian and all...but in the end, my inability to get squarely behind either candidate reflects my disgust with both of them more than anything else

Posted: November 3rd, 2004, 10:03 am
by judih
as i mentioned somewhere (arcanum? litkicks?), i had a very vivid dream a few nights ago. A wild two-headed dragon - ugly, spitting and foul. One head Bush, one head Kerry - equally repulsive, equally attached to the beast.

Out of control and leaving stench from every pore.

quite a choice - one head or the other

Posted: November 3rd, 2004, 10:15 am
WOW! JUDY THINK i'LL DO THAT ONE IN WIRE.....hey Lrod this could be a great illustration for one of yer pieces....don't worry judy you'll get a cut if it sells........wired mark

Posted: November 3rd, 2004, 10:26 am
by judih
help yourself, mark
rather see it in wire than in life size foam rubber and paint (though it could be a hit for chinese new year)
