About the Image-ination Word Jams & Posting Guidelines

Sept - Nov 2005
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About the Image-ination Word Jams & Posting Guidelines

Post by Doreen Peri » April 21st, 2005, 4:26 pm

Note - December 2008..... This forum used to be for planned events. It is now a regular part of the forums. Feel free to participate any time. Previous Jam posts were locked after the jam events were over, but I have unlocked them so you can reply to them also.

The purpose of the Image-ination Jams is to share photography and artwork and be inspired to write by the photography and artwork of others.

Here's how the Jams will work here.

Your images must reside on the web somewhere. We do not have upload capabilities here on the S8 boards. You will need to have a URL for the image itself. Open the image in a new browser window. Copy the URL for the image, then use the Img tags at the top of the posting window. Click the image tag two times. Two tags will appear in your posting window. One is the opening image tag, the other is the close image tag. Paste the URL for your image between the two bracketed tags and post. It's that easy!

If you don't have your images on the web, try this
Or do a google search for free image & photo hosting.

If you'd like to post an image during the Jam, start a new thread with the image. Title your image "Jam #1 (or 2 or 3, etc.) - Name of Thread"

Reply to the images posted by others or yourself with words. The thread will be Image, then words. Jam to the image. Let the image inspire you or the words of others in the thread.

The Image-ination Jams will consist of multiple threads, each beginning with an image. You can post to any of the threads open during the day of the Jam.

Proper credit must be given to the creator of the image. If the image resides on someone else's website, if someone else created it and not you, you must get permission from the owner of the image in order to use it. You also need to link to the site where you got it and name the creator of the image to credit their work.

Image size requirements - Please try to make sure your images are sized down to fit well on the screen. It takes a long time for an image to load for some slower connections. As a guideline, use the width of the banner at the top of the page. Your image should not exceed that width which is a little over 9 inches. If you do not have an image resizing application go to http://download.com and do a search for "photo editing" software. There are many free photo editors out there. If you are unsuccessful resizing your images small, you may go ahead and post them, but be aware that many are on slower connections and will not want to wait for them to load.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me or pm me and I'd be happy to attempt answers.

Jam to the image....... Image-ine That! Experimental Internet....

Last edited by Doreen Peri on December 15th, 2008, 12:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Artguy » April 21st, 2005, 5:48 pm

Hey Hey!!! zounds like sumthin I could bite into....possible to transfer my last couple of posts from the Visual Arts board to here????

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 21st, 2005, 5:56 pm

Hey Artguy!

That's possible, yeah, but let's do this instead because we'd like to see people jamming words off your images....

When the Jam opens tomorrow, stop by and post a new thread here with one of your images to open it. We'd like the threads to start with an image and have word jamming afterward, inspired by the images.

You can post as many images as you want, but post them each in a separate thread. It will be cool to see multiple threads all going at once!

I'm happy you're interested in this! I love your artwork ..... This will be fun and new and exciting! See, 'cause every time someone posts something, the thread moves to the top.... I can just see the images and words all jumping around.... woohoo! I'm psycho!...er, psyched! ;)

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Post by tizz » April 21st, 2005, 6:58 pm

WOW sounds AWESOME!!!!!!! I will have to get digging later and see if I can rettrieve a few of my photographic pieces from way back when. I would really love to see what kind of verbal images can be inspired. I can't wait and I promise not to miss this one.

BTW I miss you dorreen!!! I still read you over at LU and absolutely loved

Looking forward to tomorrow


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Post by Doreen Peri » April 21st, 2005, 10:10 pm

tizzie - Great to *see* you! This will be cool, huh? Looking forward to your image posts and word jamming! Glad you liked my scream..... thanks so much! Ya gotta scream occasionally, right? Miss you, too, gurl! ;)

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Post by sooZen » April 22nd, 2005, 5:49 pm

I guess I got lost in image-ination.

What happened to:

"If you'd like to post an image during the Jam, start a new thread with the image. Title your image "Jam #1 (or 2 or 3, etc.) - Name of Thread"


I thought I did that and now everything is numero uno.

odd...I guess


maybe I haven't woken up from my nap yet. :wink:

Is it working?

so many images...so little time...so long...dinner time
Freedom's just another word...


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Post by judih » April 22nd, 2005, 11:23 pm

everything's Jam #1 + "name of thread"

This is due to the fact that when there have been 10 billions image jams, we'll be able to pinpoint what happened at which jam.

you're fine bb. just fine. well, relatively fine. you'll be fine in the morning. you're already fine. it's all good


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Post by Doreen Peri » April 22nd, 2005, 11:34 pm

SooZ -

It was my verbiage and my lack of writing skills in explaining which caused the confusion.

What I meant was that this is Jam #1 and everything in this Jam should be labeled Jam #1, so that we can archive it later.

The announcement post anticipated future Image-ination Word Jams where we would have Jam #2 and 3 and 4 etc.

I wasn't clear. My apologies.

If the participants label their posts as to which Jam it is, it will be easier for me to archive it later. If they don't label them as to the specific Jam we're participating in, I will have to click on each and every link and retitle them which is a lot of work.

It's quite possible that we haven't thought this out fully and that there is another way to organize it which will be more efficient.

Clay suggested a new, archived forum for each Image jam..... Maybe that will work. I don't know yet.

The software has its limitations and we're doing the best we can to create a space for this to happen, but I know all of us would like to see the document of the event itself in one spot, so it's clear what happened when it happened.

The dateline tells us that, but I'd rather have these as events... happenings... closed after they happen for no further posts.. so that later we can look and remember and others can see, too.

I hope this makes sense. I'm trying to explain the concept in my head the best way I can explain it.

If it doesn't, please tell me or ask me where I'm screwing up with the explanation and I'll try again, OK?

Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you for being here and participating and please give yourself and Cecil a big hug from me, ok?

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Post by sooZen » April 22nd, 2005, 11:36 pm

Gotcha...got it...thanks

for hugs and all...
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Post by judih » June 16th, 2005, 7:58 am

Image-ination # 2 will follow the same procedure.

For each image you want to offer, start a new thread and call it

Jam #2 "name of thread"

Offer your image and cite the URL and give credit to the artist.

can't wait, people



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