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Art Statement

Posted: August 9th, 2008, 7:00 pm
by Artguy
This is the statement I composed to give thought to my latest exhibit.


Words many words rolling off the mind in the form of formless thoughts....given without preconception or obligation to start - stop or breath to control the heart to give them beat ...thoughts clouding the original mind the empty mind ..mind without decision ...just essence of existence...representing the purity of truth...
So then we speak...and again no punctuation...streams of thoughts given the form of rhythm of breath...beat of heart become players in the process of communication...still though no punctuation rolling off the tongue ...the mouth does not spue forth the obligatory starts and stops is still primal still in touch with the empty mind...the form of words still exist largely without form...abstract...
Now we write...give the mind form...structure....obligation....commitment...mind is now indelible...broken....forced into submission...the rules have changed....indeed there are rules...whereas there once were none....communication was still random...subject to pure essence of human communication.....
Then came a return to the poem as voice...and satori ...a renewed vision in raw human communication in post war America...bop prosady created by the beats huddled in a strange cottage in Berkely......Automatic communication reformed as formless by the Automatistes in Montreal....and the Abex painters of New York...This is not new but older than we can imagine...communication is now as meditation ....empty of obligatory form....The shackles are again off...
Before you - are a combination of two series' of works on paper that have been inspired by that liberation that lead to many other liberations...One series deals with the obligatory punctuations used in common written language...blatant...emblems of academic authority...But in the background lurks the broken forms.. communication as pure essence of mind as a stream....Sometimes choppy ...Sometimes still and quiet...but never interrupted by . , / ? ; : ' " ! ...The second series traces the elements of meditation ...investigations of emptiness as described in the Heart Sutra....Celebration of Karma.....And the neither this or that of Nirvana....
Nota Bene: There are 2 pieces of the Meditation series unavailable as they are on their way back from an exhibit in Beijing.....

Posted: August 9th, 2008, 11:47 pm
by mtmynd
was this read aloud or delayed due to the weather?

an excellent read, kurt, and one i like to hear you speak.

Posted: August 10th, 2008, 7:17 am
by judih
i was delayed due to the weather.
today the weather is worse than yesterday
and i feel my dismay beginning to cloud into the rainboot blues

but today i shall appear at the show, if i have to ride an alligator to get there.