More Horror in Afghanistan

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More Horror in Afghanistan

Post by judih » April 28th, 2005, 12:39 am

"Hostile Information
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Wednesday 27 April 2005

In this mean and meager time of pre-packaged, pre-processed, corporate-controlled infotainment that passes itself off as 'news, it is a rare and refreshing experience to see and hear a true journalist reporting the facts. I was privileged on Monday night to share a stage in Boston with Dahr Jamail, the intrepid reporter who could not stomach the biased non-news coming out of Iraq after the invasion, and went over there to see and report on what was happening himself..."

This article was brought to my attention by Jerry Vest, and indeed, has a number of articles worth reading. This one ends like this:

"'Horror' is not a strong enough word to describe what Dahr Jamail showed us on Monday night, what he saw with his own eyes, what almost no American has been allowed to see because 'Hostile Information' is not permitted in George Bush's America."

Read it and pass it on.


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